Never forget Jim Breuer's midlife crisis was to try and have a music career.

64  2018-02-09 by Dennyislife


He's always wanted to be a rock star. He's been doing lame ass rock related bits in his act for years, like his Brian Johnson impression and singing parody lines of Metallica songs. No one thinks that's funny, Jim.


Suburban house dads do.

As evidenced by his astronomical career.

He does these impression, you'd swear they were the real thing.

Whoa, let's not say things we can't take back.

The only place where that was appropriate is the MTV Metallica Icon show. This was the first time I saw Breuer do the James Hetfield voice bit, unfortunately it wasn't the last.

He did it on SNL aswell, probably why he still does it because he did it on Tv and therefore people remember him from that.

His first standup special has a live band that not only plays the intro and outro music but Mr. Breuer manages to work the band's music into the bits.

still better than that bullshit Troy puts out.



Love that song!


This one?


This whole thing might be the most embarassing thing I have ever seen in my life, and I mean its a FAR stretch past whatever is in second place

What a fucking abomination that was

I can’t watch

That makes me sad

My guess while it was loading was Harry Hater, but yea that's up there, but I somehow think they're RG3 song is even worse, don't know how to find it on YouTube anymore sadly

I think that video is what gave his wife cancer

And his stupid fucking wife is going to die shortly of cancer, the faggot.

Nice are you lonely, stupid

Am I to understand that I am the only one celebrating the terminal cancer diagnosis of a reputedly nice comedian's civilian wife?

To be fair, you didn't seem to be celebrating exactly.

My dick was three-quarters hard and it's your fault for not looking at it.

No you're just a faggot about it.

This was the most embarrassing, no-balls "stay-at-home-Dad" video I've ever seen:

It's like a teenager rebelling against their parents but he's a grown man.

What. The. Fuck. That is the most waspy milk toast shit I've ever seen. What is Breuer doing? It's like something my 8th grade Sunday school teacher would think is cool.

milk toast

milk toast

Mmm.. milk and toast.

lmao, I'm a fucking idiot.

It's a classic American breakfast combo, though.

I'm hungry.

The best part is how he's laying in bed in his pajamas...with sunglasses on.

The live version killed me :(

I can't hate Jim Breuer, his life has been too miserable over the last few years. Psycho mum abusing his dad, both of them deed. Now his wife? Ach the poor soul.

Think he had a sister die too.


and all the shit with the pizza man. The man has been through hell. Let him sing family friendly music.

My familys no more, the one just livin, its meeeeee

Where's this kind of compassion when it comes to the ex-radio host struggling w/ Aspergers & manboobs?

You’re right Bobo from the Bobo and David show should be pitied. Even if he did steal everyone’s money.

maybe he should write a song about it.

He saw a niche market in henpecked husbands, and decided to corner it. Put those headphones on my fellow stay-at-home dads because the wife just went shopping! FUCKKKK CHORESSSS IM 48!!!!!!!!

Chip is equal parts Opie and Breuer. FAWKIN RAWK.


I can't watch this. its too embarrassing.

When that garage door goes down, all bets are off

He seems like an ok guy, but... I started hating him when I saw Half Baked...he was the most annoying part of a movie that even had Janine Garafalo in it. Fucking douchey cliched deadhead stoner. It’s like a Mormon pretending to trip on acid. No wonder Opie likes him so much.

I can't figure out who this is intended for. It's not funny enough for comedy fans, it's not good enough for rock fans. I think he wants people to think it's a joke band and they'll listen and say "hey this is actually pretty good." But this whole schtick has already been done and perfected by Tenacious D.

That's exactly what I was wondering, it is barely intended to be funny, it has no musical merit, and if it was supposed to appeal to goofy dads as a nostalgia thing, I would think as a majority they'd be more into more traditional classics rock like Led Zeppelin and The Who instead of Iron Maiden and Megadeath...I guess you could say it's a hobby that Jim has fun doing but I don't even see how that's least get someone else to write the songs. I don't know why this is made or who buys it


🛎 🛎 NERD ALERT 🛎 🛎

He's supposed to look cool for the video, he's dressed like what you'd throw on to walk to your mailbox in the winter time.

I wonder if his wife had a midlife crisis when she was 30?

I'm 28 and thinking about finally getting a tattoo, am I in a midlife crisis?

Dont know if this is a joke about Troy, but if you just want one no, if you suddenly need sleeves and a throat tat, yes, its a passing mental illness

A lot of comedians want to be rock stars- its pathetic.

Dice lives vicariously through his no talent kids who have a rock band,

Florentine makes his kid listen to rock and brings him to shit bands.

Bob Levy pushes his kid into a rock band

There is a pattern of the non musical types doing comedy

Same way rappers want to athletes and athletes want to be rappers. Talent just has a weird way of just...sticking itself to one thing.

Someone put his metal over the Philly crew groomsmen dance and tweeted it to him as their own wedding. Jim got very excited.

I saw the live taping of Metallicas live movie in Vancouver. Jim Breuer opened.

He did his old joke about different types of liquor reacting in your stomach (spoiler alert: tequila has a Mexican accent). Then he lead the crowd in fist pumping and chanting (Hey! Hey! Hey!). This was obviously for b roll of the crowd. Not one person laughed.

He's a cornball brother. The worst part is people actually like this shit, look in the comments of his videos, it's mostly praise aside from the odd comments you know are mostly likely from O&A fans.

Somebody give him a joint. What the fuck,Jim needs a fucking reality check.That just SUCKS on so many levels of Suckerdom.

you know a song is true heavy metal when it has "Hey! Hey! Hey!" as a chorus

He should've stayed in the garage with the other dads instead of showcasing their hobby like anyone wants to hear this crap. He's not even a singer. He imitates James Hetfield.



The first verse he references four bands and two of them are AC/DC.

It's a classic American breakfast combo, though.