Subtle battle between Jim and Sam.

38  2018-02-09 by clownshoes2

I hope this turns into an argument soon. Andy Rooney Voice Did you ever notice how Sam almost ALWAYS has to ramble on before Jim goes to a call?

Jim will pick up the line, announce the callers name pretty much signalling that the caller should start talking.

Almost always Sam then interjects, and goes on a huge tear about something, more often then not cutting off the caller taking all the piss out of the call. But yet, when Jim's not in, Opie Roberts will take call after call of Not Opie Roberts bag lickers.

I hope this becomes a thing soon.


Sam Roberts can only sabotage, he can't contribute.

I wish he would sabotage his car on the highway.

Got him

He's Firefly, and he's trying to be Destro.

The caller starts calling?

Eat a dick. I'm at work trying to hide the top bar of shitty pictures and type fast.

are you getting paid by your boss for insulting other users?

If I'm not mistaken, this kind of aggressiveness is neither necessary nor wanted on this sub...

I’m glad somebody finally said it.

Do you not have a phone?

Do you always react like a petulant snowflake when adults politely point out your mistakes? Man up, faggot.

I suck cocks on the reg my friend. I also do act like a 10 year old. So go fuck your mother and flush your XM Radio down the toilet.

Way ahead of you on both counts, so there.

And Jim complains on air to whomever takes the calls to shorten up the data on the screen so he can read it. Dude - do it off air.

Jim complaining about something production related on air? Nooooo... Next thing you'll tell me is that he complains about his breakfast.

Not to mention Jim reads the callers blurb ON AIR and then says "oh i should let him say it" which started as a funny Opie bash but now im pretty sure he just does it because he's retarded.

If it's still an Opie slam I'm pretty positive most people aren't catching it, and even if they are it's not funny. Slam Opie for real don't let it fuck up the damn callers.

It’s not an Opie slam. I don’t recall Opie ever doing this. Jim is just a bad board op.

For some reason i remember him kinda reading it out and then going to the caller anyway at times. I could be wrong i have a problems in my brain....

he definitely did it a noticeable amount.

Oftentimes, it takes for this sub to point things out for them to become a serious issue.

If i was Jim, i'd resolve this ASAP with a big move against Sam.

Let's go to Not Sam Dapper Dan on line 2

Jim comes off as so goddamn dumb on the phones. He responds to the caller after silently reading the summary on the computer, and then has the caller come on and fucking repeat his point. Get him off the goddamn board and let Sam drive the show. It’s literally a chore to listen.

Also, fuck Troy.

I've tried listening again this week, and it's obvious Jim is just checked the fuck out. He has ZERO focus on whatever they are discussing, and even if he as paying attention it's not like he is well informed and has something interesting to say. Maybe in reading too much into it, but I can sense Sam is frustrated at times. I think the most subtle and telling thing to happen was Jimmy taking the "big chair". Sam was sitting there the first two weeks, Jimmy commented on how they will switch it up once a while. Like a week later I think it was CQ who asked him why he wasn't sitting there. Not long after Jimmy had taken that seat permanently. Considering who we are talking about though, the show could last another 10 years with resentment bubbling below the surface.


Jimmy is a lazy guy. As is evident by his station in life/career. His comedy act also exemplifies this. I'm sure he wishes he was at a Louis CK or Norm McDonald level, but he doesn't have the imagination or life experience to come up with a funny premise nor does he possess the attention to detail or work ethic to refine his ideas/jokes to be funny. Certainly not to a more discerning audience than fat, truck drivers or the inbreds that still listen to the J&S Show.

You my friend- Are wrong. I haven't kept up that much with the new show- but down playing Jim's stand-up is idiotic. Mouth Full of Shame was arguably the best special of 2017 (not counting Dave Chappelle).

Thank god they didn't all come to bat for Ant in 2014, they would have missed out on these career opportunities, Arby's pop up shows and co-hosting with a cave jew.

"Mommy said I was supposed to get the big chair..."

Jim only focuses on topics he likes, otherwise its (if someone's being stupid/saying something Jim doesnt like) "oh why dont they just shut the fuck up?" But if its space (which he likes but has 0 concept of understanding, then he will allow the conversation to go on and try explain light years. A few days ago he got angry that they found a planet millions of billions of light years away and not somewhere closer, where future jimmy thinks it might be feasible for us to get to in the next 100 years.

"Bag licker", a guy who uses his own word and not Jay Mohr's for 10 years, touche'

Who is Jay Mohr?

A failed sitcom actor / joke thief / coward a few years ago this clip was posted repeatedly, and immediately after many users here had adopted a favorite new word, it was back before Anthony got thrown off the air even. New sub members may have gotten it from older ones, but either way you're mimicing someone else's speech, like how talking like Jimmy is "enraging". Just figured you should know.

It's sad to admit that Opie Tits had one or two basic radio skills that for some fucked up reason both Norton and Opie Roberts can't learn.

No, I didn't notice because I listen to podcasts.

Which ones?

Danish and Oneill, punch drunk sports and the fighter and the kid.

Years ago, when I found out Sam had married into the tribe, I made a joke about how his (((wife))) taught him how to incite Opie, Anthony and Jimmy into conflict w/ one another, to clear the path for him being the last man standing.

With only Jimmy left and signs Sam might be subtly sabotaging him, it all ended up coming true.

The Sam Roberts Morning Show, coming to you live from SiriusXM every morning, starting this Fall.

That alien head nigger was part of (((the tribe))) since he slithered out of his aboriginal/Klingon loving whore mothers asshole. Klingon's are galactic kikes. Just saidsin'...

Klingons are space niggers. The Ferengi are the galactic kikes.


Now that I picture Ferengi in my mind, you're, indeed, correct. However, there's gotta be at least a couple percentage points of Horowitz DNA in the space jigaboos too.

99 percent of calls are absolute shit. Sam is harming nothing.

First, stop listening. Second, stop expecting that either of these little boys is suddenly going to discover their missing testosterone. It's not going to happen. It's over.

thank you for giving me another reason to hate them

Let's face it SAM ROBERTS is just funnier than Jim Norton. Fuck Jimmy and his lame characters,just ask Sam's hot mommy.I so want to pound her, in that cookie baking cooter.

Who is Jay Mohr?