Jim and Sam are currently debating if Kim Jong-un is going to turn up at the south Korean Olympic winter games

37  2018-02-09 by Dennyislife

Sam also thinks it's in China.


If Jim also contemplating if Kim Jong-un should go or not? Always a tough one...

He just said he should come to America.

if you'd try and pinpoint what type of audience this show is genuinely geared towards, could you answer it?

House wives who were exposed to co2

exposed to people breathing?

Yeah. Morning breath

Can you imagine Jim's after a night with his new 'girlfriend' in Oslo?

oh god. tongue coated in thick, white goo, wants to kiss first thing in the AM

smells like my gym sock stuffed inside an indian women's vagina

I wish it was CO

Thats a tough one. You can tell Kim Jon Un is a real problem, but skipping the olympics would be a motherfucker. Have you considered going to a meeting?

It all starts with diet. Abs are made in the kitchen.

I don't talk about that, but I once walked into a room that had pot brownies on the table and had to scurry out of the room in haste and call at least 3 sponsors to talk me off the edge. Deep inhale man, it was rough. I'll never forget that.

I don't talk about that, but I once walked into a room that had pot brownies on the table and had to scurry out of the room in haste and call at least 3 sponsors to talk me off the edge. Deep inhale man, it was rough. I'll never forget that.

Life's not fair.

Should have hung in there. Jim came up with a brilliant game “Are you country or rock n roll” even with sound effects. Hilarity ensued.

And yet Donny and Marie were still funnier with that concept.

Was he watching south Park reruns last night?

Should have hung

Both have the maturity and general knowledge of 2 teenage dorks, why would we expect anything more from them?

Kim would love to motherfuck the Olympics.

I'm so fucking glad I don't listen to this retarded show, yet still come here for some reason

We are the show now, maaaaahhn!

I miss that anhony

That actually sounds like it could be a funny bit so I will go ahead and assume they were having an actual discussion about the possibility of that.

It was not 'a bit'

Jim thinks kim jong un lives in squalor. He doesnt understand how kim can survive without an iphone or other modern luxuries. Such a well informed person.

What a moe-ron.

Listening to them talk about SpaceX yesterday was painful, nobody in the studio knew anything more than what they were looking at right that second.