The O&A episode where Ant started "changing" to the modern Ant. Bob Kelly calling Ant out for no longer being his old angry self and Keith the Cop explaining how he has his own bedroom at Ants house

6  2018-02-09 by dmix


May 2008: Around the time Ant moved into the "Compound", started becoming obsessed with guns, and went full-bore Fox News political talking head.

He wasn't necessarily to bad yet, but it was the peak, the start of the decline to what he is today on the AA show.

So this is when he became black?

Yep, 08 is when the show started to go sideways. When Obama got elected for Ant, and when Opie got on/started actively following Twitter. It sewed the seeds of destruction for the show. or at least the show as we knew it.

He bought his McMansion in May 2008? Ooof, he really timed that well

You think not being angry is part of a change to the modern Ant?

I love the pic of bobby where his shirt says 'comedian'