Malcolm provides a service that our society determined every individual has a right to. Ant's ball washers defend a woman beating kid fucker because he says mean things about black people.

54  2018-02-08 by TinKnockinMoroccan


And the only reason we have a problem with that is because Ant tried to fuck with us

We didn't care six months ago and all those things were true of Ant back then.

It's the hypocrisy of defending Ant while attacking Malcolm on the moral basis of being OJ's attorney. Somebody has to be OJ's attorney and ethically, they need to make the best case possible for him.

As his attorney did when he beat a defenseless child.

Fuck off cock sucker.

A lot people have had a problem with the woman beating, tranny fucking hypothetical asshole for qyite awhile nkw, you dumb fuck.

Stop white knighting that Xananx popping faggot. Fuck you.

I don't give a shit about Anthony. I just don't like hypocrisy. This sub (myself included) was ecstatic when he started coming back into Sirius. The shows were great. Now he's hated, but he's the same person.

The problem is he is not funny, except when getting his life Jocktobered here. If he was funny again, all would be forgiven here. His real crime is his shitty content. Ronnie B fucking nailed it.

The last couple times he was on Jim & Sam the show was actually listenable

I guess we forgot ta laugh. Chomp.

"Actually listenable", he's funny. For fuck's sake

I know, by actually listenable I mean that it normally isn't when it's just those two worms pontificating.

Oh, my b

Ecstatic is a strong word but whatever I’ll agree that a lot of people were looking forward to his return to Sirius. His appearances on Jim & Sam didn’t disappoint either, everyone loves the chemistry between Ant & Jimmy but I think everyone was just really wishful thinking that Ant would permanently return to his former self. Anthony still has the capability to mimic his old self for a few hours but he has evolved into what we see today & there’s no going back, this is who he is is now; a guy that would rather be politically far-right than funny, a guy who would rather angrily talk about race than joke about race & a guy who’d rather shut this sub down than joke & bust balls during an AMA on this sub. The only Cumia is Dead & never coming back.

That faggot with individually placed follicles has been getting shit from us since he bombed hard at the roast and wouldn't own up to it

No, Anthony's efforts to get the sub shut down for mild shitposting on his mother's memorial site were so hypocritical that a lot of people turned on him for good. Go ahead and post uncircumcised black cocks on the Facebook pages of harmless FM zoo crew stations in Tempe, but don't you dare put a Chip reference on something I (pretend to) care about.

Ant did not try to "fuck with us." There was never any real threat. He exposed himself and deserves nothing but ridicule.

6 months ago this sub wasn’t exactly cheerleaders for Ant. The focus may shift away from him from time to time while this sub is busy targeting someone like Sam, Opie , Jim, Amy etc.etc. but that doesn’t mean all is forgiven with Ant. The love Anthony had for this sub was short lived and soon afterward he was threatening to doxx Penera workers.

Are we thanking M. for his service?

Think he'd enjoy a Sandy Kane strippergram? Related thought; who could we actually bother with a Sandy Kane strippergram?

Yeah, Ants retarded 40+ yr old fan base of poor Republicans is so ironic and hilarious. Plus they have no actual girls to be mean too or too scared of blacks to talk that shit in person. Yeah a whole lot of faggots for sure. God bless M.

I don't know what happened in the span of one week, but this place has become insufferable. No one is even attempting to be funny anymore.


Thank you for proving your own point, faggot.

I upvoted you because I have been seeing weird SJW shit in this sub and all other kinds of malarkey this week. When was the clapback thing, earlier today? What's next throwing shade and anti-fat shaming posts? Kuhn's trial is next month, you fuckers better get it together!

Looked at your post history & it’s non-existent, so how do you know what happened in the span of a week? Or are you of those people who have multiple accounts?

aww little baby boy wanted to judge me on my history, not on what I said. Fuck yourself

little baby boy

Calm down Jim.

Aww multi-account guy, finds this sub insufferable for the last week. Seriously what’s been insufferable exactly? The past week brought us the twitter take down of Anthony Cumia by an attorney/hero named Malcolm & it’s been hilarious. Last couple weeks have been great unless you’re an Anthony groupie.

It's the fake moral superiority you faggots all display that is insufferable.

I would like to fart in my hand and then clap it over your mouth and nose like a chloroform rag.



Yeah but you hate a formerly funny woman beating kid fucker because he says mean things about black people.

Even with an edit, that's the best you could do?

If you think I'm giving it my best trying to defend Al-Kumia you too are killakuhn tier. Also,about the edit, I blame the Jews.

Work another reference in there