Reminder: In 2007 I unironically tweet opie a sunset picture I took

80  2018-02-08 by TheWelfareMan

Because he asked fans on the air to tweet him some sunset pics from their home towns.


you're so brave to admit that.

Coming out to your family brave.

Sure, when families did the right thing and called you a fag and shoved you out of the house.

And into an AIDS clinic.

That's what they call the nearest ditch nowadays?

If I had my way it would be an oven.

I did what I did, and I live with the shame everyday.


I remember not long ago somebody posted a wayback machine link to a thread from here from around 2011. Somebody had posted about how they got a retweet from Opie and how happy they were. All the comments were genuinely happy for the person and congratulating them.

"It's always nice to get recognition from one of the boys" - I believe one of the comments read.

It was one of the most surreal things I've seen.

Please find this.

those faggots need to answer for this.

Jesus I’m heating up.


"edit: And who in the fuck would downvote this? Fucking Chewbacka defense... That does not make sense."

Who are these people

"edit: And who in the fuck would downvote this? Fucking Chewbacka defense... That does not make sense."

Who are these people

To be fair, Twitter was surreal at the time. People started to realize they can be directly connected to the people they idolize. 2011 was Twitter's infancy and people couldn't handle the dopamine drip of seeing the people they listen or watch retweet them.

Now, we could give a turkey, am I right?

Who gives a hoot, is what I say.

Yeah but a lot of what made o and a cool was the listener involvement and how in touch they were with the fans

This place has changed dramatically since the show ended.

If you ever stumble across a thread where they talk about this sub, there’s always at least one guy who goes “I liked it until the show closed down, then it all got worse”. And if you revisit any of the old threads without using the wayback machine, you’ll see that over half the posters have deleted their accounts.

The opiesucks account used to get downvotes into oblivion. I shamefully believed he steered the ship.

I forgot all about opiesucks. He was a god damn visionary.

You have to murder a black or two gays now, the only way to redeem yourself.

What about me?

I am worse. I actually own a slobbo tshirt. Can't believe i gave that asshole money.

I’m not going to look down on you for that. Pestering Erock was always funny.

If only the money went to erock.

He needed da mon-ey!

you should be beaten to death with an Opie Quotes mug

I really should. I honestly have no defense. I'm clearly an asshole.

I have an Opie Quotes t-shirt :(

Everyone who bought one should join in a class action suit stating you didn't realize it was promoting harassment of an employee.

I, at one point, probably in 2011-2012ish confided to my girlfriend that I was bummed out because I didn’t get a signed sudoku.

Jesus ..

She’s no longer my girlfriend.

Rightly so

Easy come, easy go.

smart girl.

I realize the error of my ways, and I've improved as a person.

some things can't be fixed.

Nobody’s perfect.

same thing that Hitler said.

This is worse than OP.

I know, babes.

This is too much and I think you should do the decent thing and just leave.

But this is my safe space.

Not anymore


Nice use of social media, stupid

You look like a [insert nationality/ethnicity] [insert job/hobby], stupid!

Cellar gang is so original.

I told people many times that I grew up so poor, I had to carry my lunch in used cement bags, or that my brother owns a restaurant on Long Island.

I vehemently defended him during the 1st cakestomp controversy. ::Shudders::

It was actually pretty funny because the entirety of reddit was freaking out and you'd see threads get derailed by show references. "My Uncle Paul told me this Opie was a naughty boy" with a thousand upvotes in a post full of people trying to get him fired.

How many "frunkisss" and "your mom's box" posts? Cringe

50 comments that all said "that's terrible, I'm sorry"

I have a "Words hurt if you're a pussy," a "check out the empties man," and a Chip T-shirt. 3 different T-shirts about these guys.

I should be crucified like Jesus except without the dignity.


Do you have a wow sticker on your car?

Do you think the Opester’s shirts are still selling well?

This is worse than OP.

Fez called me an asshole once on the interrobang and I’m still walking around with a boner.

The day your were crowned king

What a retarded idea to begin with

I once genuinely defended The Opester as a "ship steerer". We've all sinned.

The first step is admitting your a faggot.

Sounds like some Opie shit to do. Do not feel too bad, people actually subscribe to the cumia network.

Remember when it first launched and this sub was filled with politics and the words snowflake and cuck? I wonder how many of you queers bought Anthony Cumia Show t-shirts back then.

Opie once claimed he was approached by art dealers who wanted to exhibit his Instagram sunset photos and sell prints.

A new fan of the show circa 2010 asked me what Opie's job was, because he seemed like an overzealous producer.

I unironically began my explanation with "Well, he sort of steers the ship..."

I should be fucked to death by a pneumatic drill.

Closest thing we have is my penis

You drive a hard bargain, but let's hurry the fuck up and close the deal.

I can top that. After Ant got fired I was a mod on /r/opiewithjimshow, I constantly made threads defending the show and every Sunday I would make a weekly listening thread that wouldn’t get any comments and when it did it would only be that the show sucked. But still I persisted thinking the show would eventually catch on.

I also own a Slobbo shirt

Ban this fag

In my defence, the t-shirt was a gift.

That's worse.

Unless the shirt was full of smallpox.

That's terrible, I'm sorry.

if we are all making confessions... I bought a "treat Yourself" Cake shirt from a third party selling O&A reference tshirts. and i still think cake stomp is hilarious

I never understood how people didn't hate Opie immediately. With that said, I was a super happy faggot when him and ant talked again on his show. I even listened to the whole episode and stated how"cool it was". As if I need another reason to hang myself.

Twitter was around in 2007? I only remember becoming aware of it in 2008 or 2009.

Yes, my Twitter acct is from 2007 and I was late to the party.

I avoided twitter for years just because I thought the name was too effeminate.

Anarox (cirka 2014) ; OPIE THE DESTROYER will fuck up Sirius XM and avenge Anthony!

That's pretty gay, but I have a signed picture of Richard and sal from Howard stern. I was told all you had to do was email richard and they send it to you.

And by God, there it was a few months later. It's now destroyed with coffee stains and dust. Rightfully so.

I really should. I honestly have no defense. I'm clearly an asshole.

Do you have a wow sticker on your car?

I have an Opie Quotes t-shirt :(