Relevant references to Artie Lange

13  2018-02-08 by harriswill

  • Sarah Michelle Geller in Buffy the Vampire Slayer
  • Terrell Owens
  • Abu Ghraib
  • Natalee Holloway
  • Allen Iverson
  • Haley Joel Osment as a child actor

Sarah Michelle Geller in Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Morman girl that fights mummies?

"it's the jew broad that fights vampires" (300th time)



Semitic female feuding with nosferatus.

I listened to 90% of his 400 podcasts and almost a year of the Artie Lange show. I'll take the Foghorn Leghorn imitations any day over ever listening to Jim and Sam demonstrate their conceited ignorance once again. Artie knows what Artie knows.

Who me?

I've had Beetlejuice's theme song stuck in my head for 3 days.

The first hour of yesterday's AA show was great.. artie told a bunch of Quincy Jones stories Iv never heard (not bring sarcastic, I was really great)

*the rss trick to get the show in podcast form free still works fam

Thanks for the heads up. It was pretty good.

Romo rhymes with homo.

Chrystal meth is a great drug if you need to walk to st Louis one weekend.

It like showering between a crip and a blood in LA county while a cop grabs me in a mini headlock as I was ossified drunk as two Puerto ricans fucked you up the ass after selling you ecstasy at double the price. David cross is a fag. Janine garafalo is a cunt. The Mets are cocksuckers. FIN

Well we can't all be like Jim Norton, bringing up Jerry Sandusky nigh unto 2019.

Ray Rice's wife actually having a cut man at the wedding, if you can even believe that happened

I love the bit he does where he pretends to be delusional enough to believe that Marci Turk and Howard Stern don't let his old friends talk to him

Tuesday when Artie ended up on that God damn Canoe story again...and Anthony still not calling him out on it .. "ahh the Canoe" ...

Why is Anthony such a giant pussy re: Artie? Just fucking say it..."goddammit Artie, do you have a single story we haven't heard 1000 times?". He's all mouthy on his gay Twitter but in real life he's a pansy.

Walked to St Louis once after doing meth.