Jim is convinced Michael Jackson is trans

3  2018-02-08 by Dennyislife

Isn't it great how you can shape the world to how you want to see it.


This nigga projecting like a motherfucker.

I hope you die.

Transracial, maybe. But he didn't think he was a woman, he was just a faggot.

I'm not listening to this shit. Did he offer any proof or just because he looked feminine assumes?

It was a passing comment but this pathetic, autistic British cunt tries to make everything Watergate.

They literally watched the whole of you are not alone video discussing his looks because of it.

"I think he might have been trans or gay or into kids" (which is what Jim said verbatim) does not equal "convinced."

You are doing a Jim and shaping the world to your viewpoint.

Wow, what a strong take from Jim Norton. "I dunno. He was probably something besides a traditional heterosexual."

TINY Joe Rogan thinks Michael Jackson was a castaratii .

He was transforming himself into Diana Ross physically , everyone knows that. Not exactly a hot take there.

Well he did transform from a man to a woman, so there's that.

When you have been with as many as he has you tend to notice the nuances

*was trans


Whoa...he died?

In like 2015, yeah. Try reading a newspaper you ignorant ass.

Oh man. I had tickets for his 02 shows.