Just a friendly reminder :Opie is still in a whirlwind of denial.

29  2018-02-08 by RBuddCumia


For somebody that lies all the time, he's not very good at it.

Why are they talking to Opie's agent? What are they talking about? It either is or isn't a legal issue. If there are no legal proceedings in motion then why is there any delay at all?

It's been months right?

Why does he have 3 law firms on the leash?

Why is everything such a fucking chore with this idiot. Even if he ever tells the truth now he has zero credibility.

I H K.

He doesn't want to bring it to the legal realm, the Psycho has mafia connections that will get it done.

I have a very special practice, I handle one client.

Why didn’t you tell me you were with the Brothaman, Tom?

He has law firms on the leash just like he had "other options" outside of radio and "other radio stations" and "the XFL" offering him jobs and tons of money, but he "chooses" to not go with them cause he has "bigger things" on the horizon.

"One way or another". Does that sound like a call to action threat? Where is M at?

This may seem pretty pathetic now but just imagine how sad it's going to be in 5 years when he's saying the exact same thing.

I have 3 law firms chomping at the bit to charge me 1100$ per hour to drag this frivolous & futile legal action through court over the next decade.

Isn't his agent dead? Are they praying to the spirit of Bob Eat-mmaaahhhhnnn?

Its gotta be 3 law firms so it seems like a bigger deal. Poor idiot.

Is one of the law firms called Colin Flaherty and Sons?

Opie does have that Real Estate Brokerage Firm, plus a highly successful psychological Twitter business, and the political Twitter business, so he's too busy to go forward with some silly lawsuit worth millions. He's a pathological liar who's trying to keep whatever fans he may have left. I was a huge fan until I realized what a complete douchebag he really is. I wonder why he never mentions his wife, kids, or the Philly Crew anymore? She dump him?

Opie is serious. Not only will he recoop any losses from his contract he is also suing for wrongful termination, which he will win, AND he is going to get his show back on SXM. You’ll see h8ers. Just you wait and see.

Ive always wondered if they could narrow it down to a gene or something, that makes people lie like this. In the moment they are always winning the moment or ahead of everyone else until they cant be anymore and move on to the next lie in a way like a ponzi scheme, how do you legitimately not see that people see so clearly through your bullshit, tits? Of course when its finally obvious none of these things are happening he wont even be embarassed and just move onto something else

after claiming it was all a bit

He acts like nobody heard the show where he got himself fired. He admitted that he was making work life difficult for an underling (sweet hero Paul) for merely having the audacity to not "take his side" (what are you, 5?!?) re: his sexual abuse of another underling.

He was basically asking Paul to enter an "it's ok for you to record us pooping, or do any other humiliating thing to us your feeble mind can come up with" verbal contract. Worse than that, he was quasi/passive-aggressively bullying Paul to agree to that "deal".

And he did all of this on the air. God only knows what he was doing behind the scenes.

Sirius literally had to fire his toxic ass.

Its ego and narcissism. Low self esteem...brother wease raped tits.

The B-b-b-b-b-b-bboys always win in the end!

He wishes that he had his old employer by the nuts. I could have sworn that he ditched the agent because he felt he knew how negotiate contracts. And probably wanted to save money because it was around the same time he got his pay lowered and the hallway office.

Why does he need 3 law firms? Isn't 1 enough?

Opie is such a fucking dullard. Of course lawyers would want to represent his dumb ass, they get paid whether he wins or not.

Tits, boobs and jugs esq.

His contract was up at the end of September anyway. So he has three firms going after 3 months pay. Sirius itself didn't get the reason out there so he can't do them for damages

“Trust me...you don’t want to fuck with me. TRUST ME!’ sniff

So, reading between the lines here, it seems as if a law firm contacted Sirius, and they just chuckled and hung up the phone.

Then a second law firm contacted Sirius, and they laughed, albeit a bit nervously, hung up the phone, and re-read Tits' contract to make sure they were covered.

Then a third law firm contacted Sirius, and they sent up the white flag, and called his agent and said "no mas!".


If he had a real case, he'd pursue it. Goes to trial, then both sides settle for way more than what he'd get, if they just went through his agent to pay out his contract.

I'd imagine that these law firms would want to move ASAP on something like this, if they thought it was a slam dunk. Make some ethical arguments, SIRIUS settles and forks over a payday, the law firm and Opie make out good. So why work with SIRIUS directly on the remainder of money on your contract, when you can get so much more back through court? At the most, you could aim and potentially get double. Why go about it through SIRIUS directly if you're that angry about it still and could really fuck them?

Charge your phone, faggot

Mental illness.

Opie said on brother wease that they offered him the remainder of his contract if he didn't talk about the incident (him commit gay sex crimes) but he told them no. And now this?

Everybody knows that two law firms isn't enough ... it's when you get that third one on-board that you start to see action.

ProTip: Everything Opie has ever said about his contracts and employment has been complete bullshit.

Yer sure, three law firm's. If I was you, look up POOPS PEEPIN & SHITTEN.

It's "champing at the bit," but Opie is a stupid as he is unemployed.

They fired him when he only had a few more months on his contract. If there was any possibility of him successfully suing Sirius, they would have just let his contract run out and kicked him to the curb.