What the fuck?!

47  2018-02-07 by RBuddCumia


He wishes he could have licked up the cum? He gets gayer every day.

Isnt it totally edgy and crazy and hilarious and not gross and pathetic?


He's pigeonholed himself into the shittiest, weirdest, most off-putting, narrow-scoped persona imaginable.

"Teehee, I like disgusting sexual stuff. Wanna hear about it, again??"

Brian C with the zingers. Oof.

Just putting in a hard day's work with his doo rag and hard hat.

Doo doo do doo....

Brian's a solid guy, hard worker, something you fellas with your lattes and your waffle irons wouldn't understand.

Yep, Brian is good people.

More like Brian C-

Fkn fags Lol

It is no longer satire when you make the same cuckolding jokes for years on end. It is now the plain truth without any effort put into irony.


Norton is a predictable bore.

Tranny-AIDS-Shot Gun-Repeat

Cuckolding = men with no self esteem who eventually also lose all self respect which usually takes until about 40yrs old for most, except those who were complete zeros from day one.

They love the idea of reveling in their complete uselessness and subordination to people his fragile ego deems more powerful. This not caring gives him a release from his constant baggage and self loathing he typically walks around with, and a temporary sense of selfish power as he finds a role others are happily to let him fill. Usually for money, but also amusement and their own insecurities and inferiority complexes -where a girl can feel completely wanted by one provider man while also getting deep dicked by am attractive man who probably doesn't give a shit about her.

Quite the weird complex the left is currently trying to normalize. Particularly how everyone focuses on the cuckold being fucked up but ignore the girls/men who feed into their weird untreated mental issues, while feeding their own.

Patrice was a cuckold and said it's letting go of the ego that grips all men and allows you to truly be honest with your partner. You know how much both Patrice and his girl slept around? You know you just described all your fears and insecurities because you are who you're describing in that post?

Fucking other side-girls while having a girlfriend or going to sex clubs with your girl != cuckolding. Unless you're not getting your own.

That's a totally different thing and you can do it while maintaining your self-respect and it somecases it demonstrates a higher self-esteem via the fact you're not afraid your bitch will try to leave you for someone else, as you know you have her locked down regardless of whatever guy comes around.

I'm not a big fan of "open relationships", it's usually an excuse for a girl to continue to be a whore while having a provider male stick around. But fishing for threesomes with other girls or keeping her as more of a fuck-buddy/friend while you bang other chicks is totally fine (rather than a pseudo monogamous relationship where you both fuck other people).

If she's also occasionally fucking some other people without you, even only on a one-night stand basis, then you can't pretend you're a normal little couple. You've got to keep her at arms length until both sides are ready to be monogamous.

Thank you for demonstrating, again, your fear of anything outside a "normal little couple" and your fear of women being whores and your inability to control them. Once again, you have demonstrated that you are such an insecure little worm that you can't imagine the idea of a girl returning to you after fucking someone else.

Yes, we got it. You let other men fuck your girlfriends. lol

Yes, we got it, you're insecure and mask your inability to come up with a decent response by hiding it like a 16 year old and ending with "lol"

Try again, sweetie.

Ew, ur a fawkin real life cuck? That's like sooooo groty

That's so groty

It's not insecurity, you missed the fact where the male doesn't give a fuck if their girl fucks other men because they are entirely confident in themselves and their options.

The difference is that you don't treat your relationship with a 'whore' as you would a monogamous relationship. This is not out of insecurity but as a necessity of the reality of male/female relationships where the female is not attracted to a male unless there's some imbalanced power dynamic between them... favoring the male.

This is the reality of the "sexual marketplace". Women get sex easier than men. Everyone knows it takes them less effort. So as a result the man has to a) give less of a shit about this girl if you agree to this arrangement and be totally confident in his own ability to replace her if need be b) demonstrate they have plenty of other options besides the girl (by fucking other girls) c) demonstrate they can pleasure her as well as any other man physically/economically/etc.

This may sound lopsided again the man but in practice girls are far more insecure and develop less mental strength than men do as a result of the ease of the "sexual marketplace" for women. So it balances out nicely.

Again, another long winded response showing me how your psyche couldn't handle the thought that you could't hold onto a woman and own her sexually.

Masculinity is what makes you not get attached to whores like a little bitch. Letting a bitch have power over you is the opposite of masculine.

Why do I have a feeling you've never had a long-term relationship where you fucked around on the side? That or you're comfortable in your own pathetic lack of manhood and either a) pay girls to satisfy it or b) found an ugly/fat bitch with no self-esteem who feeds off of it due to their own insecurity.

You know there are more letters in the alphabet right? You don't have to keep ending with B.

How surprising. Your comment history is FULL of you making ad hominem attacks when you clearly lose arguments.

How pathetic.

Weak men always resort to that when they can't respond with a single substantive argument, so they attack how the comment was written or some trait of the other person.

That's funny, remember I called you weak in my last post and then you responded by calling me weak?

I told you your long winded tirades were boring. I told you you're insecure. Then you devolved into referring to women as "bitches" which explains everything now. All while trying to look well put together and untriggered by neatly labeling your inane points as A through B and found it funny you only kept coming up with two points and wondered if subconsciously you know it would be pathetic to label your points as simply 1 and 2.


...still waiting for a single response to anything I said.

What's boring and weak is picking apart how someone said something while simultaneously avoiding every point they made against you.

That's called losing an argument but pretending you are still winning by changing the subject... which is an extremely feminine trait.

If anything you're consistent in your lack of manhood.

Hey, remember when I said you have masculinity problems and you came back here to tell me I'm being feminine?

Yes, you're right... you were the first one to bring up masculinity problems (followed by blatant feminine argument tactics). ...reminds me of the gay kids in highschool who were quickest to call others gay.

Don't get me wrong, nothing's wrong with lacking masculinity. Unless you're trying to fuck any girl worth fucking.... or talk with authority about fucking girls.

Can you respond at least once without projecting? I know the answer, I just want to see what you'll say.

Lol, so basically your plan is to say "I know you are, but what am I?"

^ A faggots guide to how to continuing arguments without saying anything.

I've been carefully typing out how you would respond for several hours now and I know you won't but if you actually went back and saw this yourself, you would realize you're still falling right into the script I've made for you.

Maybe I need to start responding in more detail how this has been sexually exciting me. Resorting to simply calling me a faggot felt so good, knowing you just can't help yourself, I hope you don't just fall into a cycle of spam.

Remember this comment you made? https://www.reddit.com/r/opieandanthony/comments/7w0ix2/what_the_fuck/dtwumm2/

Two people replied to you and all you could manage was ad-hominem attacks about how they replied in order to avoid what was said.

aka Resorting to being a faggot.

Wow that took incredible effort. You would think I would have gone hard by now at your lack of enthusiasm but I held in there and really enjoy this tantrum I said you would throw. Go ahead, explain to me again about how I'm a "faggot" and how continuing to throw this tantrum and linking other wonderful parts of my speeches are the golden tickets.

Wow that took incredible effort.

That's the point, you're still replying, despite feigning disinterest you're 5-6 comments in, and STILL haven't provided a single substantive response to two people calling you a cuckold supporting feminine faggot.

That really all that needs to be said at this point.

You forgot your favorite word "ad hominem". You said was my go too method, remember? Oh and here you are, calling me a "cuckold supporting feminine faggot". Truly, your ability to contradict yourself, sometimes within the same post, brings me nothing but edging on the verge of orgasm. Keep tickling.

Ad-hominem is only bad when it's a response to an argument to avoid replying to the subject matter.

Using ad-hominem when attacking someone well after the argument was derailed (by you in this case) is not a bad thing. Especially as the subject has become why you derailed the argument.

And I've concluded it was because you're a feminine faggot.

mmm now you're explaining the rules of ad hominems based on simply your opinion and continue to use them. These contradictions really edge me nicely, you're really making this a satisfying night.

Jesus fucking Christ. Both of you are losers for arguing this long with a random stranger. The cuckhold is retarded but I can't believe you have continued to write. Do something productive.

Oh no, don't stop now.

You're right that was lame as hell, I should stop drinking and going on Reddit.

Dude deleted his account after this though, lmao

That's like so groty

Don't stop there

That's so groty

Keep telling yourself that. Great mental gymnastics there.

What a surprise, another insecure man who was so touched by my words he had to show up late.

Your logic is exactly the same as someone saying "real heterosexuals are secure enough to have gay sex." It's dumb.

No, that would be quite dumb because sexuality and who you are as a partner aren't the same at all. Can you tell me how smug that specially typed out response made you feel until I revealed it's fallacy to you?

What you are turned on by is your sexuality. Most men are disgusted by gay sex and their partners fucking other men. These are both deeply ingrained into our psychology- probably through evolution.

Please, don't stop. Watching you try to make a scientific connection between human sexuality and the violation of a verbal social agreement is wonderful. The fact your ego won't allow you to say you're wrong, especially anonymously, shows just how right I was and it's making you continue to talk about things you know nothing about.

Insecurity has nothing to do with it. It's gross. I don't want some dudes come in my gf where I'm going to be putting my dick.

How do you know she would even want you after that other dick?

Dick is only one factor. Why would she trade a dick that's getting the job done for a random dick that does the same and isn't attached to me.

I just want to point out how interesting it is in your fantasy you imagine your "girlfriend" allowing the man to cum inside her. Or does she not allow it but he does it anyways and that excites her even more, right? Also, in this fantasy of yours, you imagine she would hold that cum in until she allows you to fuck her again. That's really incredible, especially that last part how you "assume" she even likes you.

Your pseudo-psychology says more about your preoccupations than it does about others.

But you've already identified me as a cuck, so you're simply repeating yourself in an attempt to deflect instead of answer any of my questions about your fantasy.

Found the cuck

What a great way to trigger insecure men I've found today.

This cuck-a-doodle-do flew the coop!

Found the cuck

Found the cuck

don't stop there sweetie.

Delete. Delete. Delete. Delete. Lol

This cuck-a-doodle-do flew the coop!

he started to follow me on other subs and try to do some weird cuck story line with me, I think it was his sad attempt to try to embarrass or shame me in other places, ironically he is the actual cuckold who's gf (who I am sure he pays for all her meals and various amenities) is getting deep cocked by some guy who could give two shits about her and blowing loads up in her box while this simp beats his little soft pecker off in the corner. Pathetic.

I'm so sick of perverted people. It's not cool. It's not fun.

is that me or him? lol

most people on this sub. tbh. little jim nortons.

This pussy deleted.. anybody catch his username? I’d like to spam him all day.

He’s so gross

Hey faggots, I think he was going for a joke with this. Apparently gay humor is too "weird" for this vanilla, chatty cathy, gossiping hen subreddit now

Go back to calling Anthony a "creep" for not being with a woman his age, you maudlin pack of women. You have the same psychology as a group of female friends

Hi, pest from 2006. How is ur razor phone?

It wasn't a funny joke. Also if he's a fag he should come out do the closet

He really is mentally ill.

Just an FYI, neither people in this story are men with tits.

Yes, you're right... you were the first one to bring up masculinity problems (followed by blatant feminine argument tactics). ...reminds me of the gay kids in highschool who were quickest to call others gay.

Don't get me wrong, nothing's wrong with lacking masculinity. Unless you're trying to fuck any girl worth fucking.... or talk with authority about fucking girls.

Hi, pest from 2006. How is ur razor phone?

Wow that took incredible effort.

That's the point, you're still replying, despite feigning disinterest you're 5-6 comments in, and STILL haven't provided a single substantive response to two people calling you a cuckold supporting feminine faggot.

That really all that needs to be said at this point.

You forgot your favorite word "ad hominem". You said was my go too method, remember? Oh and here you are, calling me a "cuckold supporting feminine faggot". Truly, your ability to contradict yourself, sometimes within the same post, brings me nothing but edging on the verge of orgasm. Keep tickling.

It wasn't a funny joke. Also if he's a fag he should come out do the closet

he started to follow me on other subs and try to do some weird cuck story line with me, I think it was his sad attempt to try to embarrass or shame me in other places, ironically he is the actual cuckold who's gf (who I am sure he pays for all her meals and various amenities) is getting deep cocked by some guy who could give two shits about her and blowing loads up in her box while this simp beats his little soft pecker off in the corner. Pathetic.