Opie's Biggest Fan.

4  2018-02-07 by SpudsCuckley


He looks like an Irish faggot.

His whole life revolves around defending the Opster

Jason is a good egg. would love to buy him a grapefruit beer if he ever makes it over to FH Riley's for one of the pest meets we are planning.

Literally by the look of those plump cheeks.

Ewww...and he is a fan of the Mike O’Mara podcast.

Dollars to donuts, he's got some sweet jiggly b-cups under that not-quite-black t shirt.

He wants to be the next Erock

Is that Buzz from Home Alone?

I don’t know anything about this grown up boy except for the fact that he loves Opie and I disliked him on sight.

Poor big feller