*Ant's head explodes* Cue late night rage tweeting.

5  2018-02-07 by RBuddCumia


Quincy also won 27 Grammy Awards and once bailed Artie Lange out of LA County Jail.

Well at least they share one thing in common.

because of madtv, right? that was quincy's show

Yeah, Artie speaks very highly of Quincy for giving him multiple second chances on that show.

Ah, his first enabler.

He also helped spawn a lovely actress

Sure did

with a Jewish gal from the five towns.

Ivanka is the daughter right? jeez

That whole interview is great...he's bat shit crazy

Did he "hollywood" date her, she seems pretty youmg,unless you re talking about the mom. Guess we know why he won't talj about Cosby or other rapists.

He says they went out to dinner once.