Sarah Silverman's Hairy Arms

9  2018-02-07 by tunisianknifer


bad shoes but I'd still suck a fart out of there.

Better part the hairs first

that's the perfect expression when taking dick

thats how you know you're doing it right

Nasty jew troll. Louis CK once said “Everyone was in love with her back in the day. Everyone!”

Now, I’m from Scandinavia where girls are top notch. However! I’ve been to New York and various big cities in the United States plenty of times and I think on an average night out in Manhattan you will run in to about 100 girls within the first hour that look better than this fucking mess.

I don’t get it. How could they all flock around this piece of shit?

How do you know they're "top notch" if they're wearing burqas?

Easy there, Gavin. They still need a few decades.


A comic who looks like her is a female Star Trek fan.

It also depends on the vibe they give off. Average looking freaky girls are often sexier than great looking prudes.

When she came on the scene she was young, thin and could hang with the guys. Remember female comedians used to look like paula poundstone and whoopi goldberg, so it was her youth and personality.

I believe it's because she came around during a time when most successful female comedians were, to quote Hitchens, "bull dykes from Oregon."

Buffalo Chicks

"Porkland, Oregon... home of the other white meat."


She said dirty words. She was good looking. Then everyone saw that shower picture. Oof

Where are you at with the fjords?

They're not great cars, but the parts are cheap. Ooof.


She looks aight in this picture. I'd fuck her right there

She worked as a writer on a lot of things now famous people were on or involved with like Mr Show, SNL I think, and she was pretty undeniably reeally hot back in those days

She was fucking ghastly looking in that nude scene she did.

Like a refrigerator with saggy tits.

Yeah. That ruined it.

Ya I'm a fucking savage, I would love to fuck her but I'd fingerpaint swastikas on her asscheeks

I like her face and hairy pussy but the rest is bleh...


Probably has that same kinda hair just above the butt crack.

Kevin brennen combed her arms before he fucked her

I really don't understand how/why girls go from hot whore to fat SJW idiot so quickly

I jacked off 36 times to this.

Better part the hairs first

Yeah. That ruined it.