Two bums and Jackie Martling

23  2018-02-07 by RBuddCumia


Looking good, Artie!

Anthony has to be paying for Joes laundry too, Looks like place has problem with getting their shit mixed up

I was like "is that shirt...?"

The canada goose jacket is pretty nice. Almost $1000 also

every single piece of shit vapid consumer in manhattan has one

Still a good jacket

you're right, people just irritate the shit out of me

All us antisocial people are just like you

It is a spiffy jacket

Only Ant could look like a homeless moron in a Canada Goose

Jackie is 90 years old and looks better than both these two

Artie doesn't look a day over dead.

This made me laugh.

Looks like the Cumia hairline is doing Sam Roberts retreat

Who wouldn't love to punch that hat and glasses right off his stupid fucking face?

So three bums

Artie is going full Weekend at Bernie's.

Weekend at Anthony's.

It looks like Jackie and Ant are doing weekend at bernies with Artie!

Jackie looks younger than both of them. Artie looks like he's dead and starting to swell and rot. Anthony looks like a ghoul.

Jackie gave up drinking nearly 15 years ago. All he does is smoke weed routinely.

Ant swallows alcohol like he's a living keg, and if Artie can't inject it, he don't want it.

Artie looks fucking worse everytime I see him.

Fuck. I own the same jacket as Artie.

Kill me.

Ant has his portrait on his shirt.

Anthony operates Artie using his right arm

Dirty Mike and The Boys

What?KTC forgot to pay the oil bill.No heat for you.

Kind of crazy if you think about it that it's 2018, Artie Lange and Anthony Cumia do a show together, and it is morbidly unappealing

Jackie Martling: the radio sidekick/writer who helped Howard Stern achieve national prominence.

Artie Lange: the guy who replaced Jackie and fucked it all up.

Anthony Cumia: the guy who hired Artie after he fucked it all up.

Yep, there's sort of a "pecking order" there all right.