REMINDER: Opie justifies his perpetual awfulness and miserable social skills as the entirely fictional condition “irritable depression”

1  2018-02-07 by GangstaFag

His mother is delightful, his wife is a fat whore and his daughter considers crayons a delicacy.

Carry on lads.


It's the catch-all term for psychiatrists to call you a dickhead.

Because the person you're paying 300/hr for isn't going to get too many repeat patients if they say, "Have you tried being less of an insufferable prick?".

Opie is the type who would say "I'm feeling down" and instead of going to a family doctor, he sees a high end psychiatrist in a Manhattan highrise for 10mg of Paxil.

No amount of medication can fix that level of asshole behavior.

300 sleeping tablets and bottle of gin might do it