driving on acid

2  2018-02-07 by Bobjellycnt

pretty fuckin fun, anyone else do anything of the like?


i was on acid at the airport once. i just kept taking taxis from one terminal to another

driving wasn't fun since you had to concentrate and decipher if what you were seeing is real or not.

saw a few movies in the theater while tripping, the best was The Matrix, also going to the county fair was a blast.

yeah i did realize while driving their is much simpler ways to enjoy such a complex drug, fear and loathing in las vegas on 2 tabs, that was my most memorable movie trip. matrix sounds like it might break my brain tripping

First time I dosed I took 2 hits. First one wasn't working after 30 minutes, took another. 4 hours into ride I had to drive home, in the rain. I was 16 and just figured out how to drive. Luckily it was only about 5 miles and the roads were mostly empty. That one is burned into my brain on the list of things to not do again but were 100% awesome at the time.

"First one wasn’t working after 30 minutes, took another.” Man, I walked into that spinning propeller before.

i did that with dmt, got put firmly back in my place after that fuck up

How do you do that with DMT? Were you smoking it or eating it with an MAOI?

Perhaps on shrooms, but never again on acid.

In a light snow squall on a dark highway with bright ass stars. It felt like fucking star trek.

Incidentally a buddy of mine back when we were around 23 or so went on a cross country trip with some friends and he took acid when it was his turn to drive. He was on this lonely arizona road at 2am, convinced that aliens were going to abduct him. So he pulled over and began negotiating with them telepathically.

People want to act like it’s SUCH a bad thing to drive while intoxicated, but personally I drive much better when I’m tripping balls.

I always wanted to try lsd but have no idea where to get it. Someone give me acid goddammit!

Yes, I had to pull over after a couple blocks and walk home the rest of the way. My perception of distance was so fucked I could mistake a turn as being far closer than it actually was.

Yes, way back in the day. I was tripping and there was this incredibly annoying guy around who I was dying to get rid of but he had no ride home. So I drove him. I was freaking out about how fast and recklessly out of control I was, then I saw I was doing a cool 15 mph. It's not recommended.

Only when it's kicking in, when I'm peaking or coming down I can't even figure out the zipper on my jacket.

Guys, I know we're all making jokes here, but this is a serious topic and I need to address it. Last year, my brother, age 23, died while driving on Kratom. We all knew he had a problem, but know wanted to admit it. It hurts me to know that we'll never talk again. It hurts me even more to know that he never achieve his dream of being the world's first gay Jihadist. His mosque is devastated. Please don't let this happen to you. PLEASE avoid the devil's drug.


How do you do that with DMT? Were you smoking it or eating it with an MAOI?