My roommates mom looks like Terry Clifford.

1  2018-02-07 by SoulsOfDeadAnimals

He didn’t think it was funny when i showed him the picture.


I was going to poke fun for you having a room mate but that made me chuckle.

im 22 and i should be able to buy a house in my expensive town next year and bought a new car in cash because i had this roommate for a year.

Is roomate new term for life partner?

im 22. i moved in a friends house for 300 a month so i could save up and buy a house this year. and i bought new dodge dart in cash. you know the MSRP on those bad boys? and your calling me a faggot...

Those new dodge darts are embarrassments to faggots and the 1970's ones where you could buy for 150 bucks with 120k miles and get another 80k out of them

oh i wasn’t aware. i just wanted low miles and cheap and didn’t want to go anywhere other than the one lot i was at. the car sucks dick though. i regret it. but it was only like 1700 with 10000 miles on it so hopefully it will run atleast a few years

They are known turds. Run it long as possible first sign of any costly trouble dump it.They varied with years some had Fiat engines,Hyundai transmissions and Alfa Romeo based bodies a real clusterfuck shit engineering.

I thought since it was a I4 it would have similar reliability to like a civic. but i never really thought about the quality of the actual parts and shit

In this conversation you never mentioned the year to me but did to someone else. i'm getting car ads in yahoo just for used 2016 darts now


Pennyweather, since you decided to enter into this discussion, how do you feel about a 2016 dodge dart? under 20000miles, pretty slick right? right?

I hope your brakes fail on the highway.

way to be constructive, edge lord. you probably drive a camry anyways.

I'd rather but a four door fudge fart

If i ever have another Tranny GF i PeckerTits is going to be her pet name.

“Come here and stick your tongue up daddy’s asshole, PeckerTits.”

Ah man you really burned me


Jeremy spoke in, Clllllaaaaaaaaaaaassssssss todayyyy!

D’ya fuck her!?

Ah man you really burned me