Actual quote from review of Black Panther... "Do not wait to see Black Panther. Bring tissues. Bring arms that can hold and ears to listen. There will be a lot to talk about afterward."

0  2018-02-06 by CONCHOPETEghostcock




Here's another one:

"Black Panther is set largely in Wakanda, with a detour to South Korea. Still, there's no shaking the feeling that this is what America looks like when it's allowed to be its truest, freest self. That's a superhero challenge if ever there was one."

Makes sense here's why:

"Bring tissues"(always a good idea)

"Bring arms that can hold" (I go for 2 tubs of popcorn myself , now you see where the tissues come in)

"and ears to listen"(here the person is passively reprimanding black people's talkative nature in theaters as proven by the last sentence "There will be a lot to talk about afterward."

Hats off to the Marvel marketing team for finding a way to sell comic book to bleeding-heart liberals, who now think they're somehow achieving something by watching a movie.

What if this ended up NOT being the best and most important movie of all time? All these critics will feel silly for overhyping it.

The trailer was dope tho