Here's what the critics are saying about "Black Panther" — It's a "masterpiece"

2  2018-02-06 by CONCHOPETEghostcock


It's a fucking comic book movie. He dresses like a panther.

But...hes black. Black people need to be coddled

It's based on a real person called Batman Fee'hunnit from Detroit.

Also he’s a nigger

No person has the right to rain on your dreams.

I’m a simple man. A good man. I don’t like niggers, gays or Muslims. If that makes me a racist then hey, I guess I’m a “racist”

It’s kind of hilarious watching you try to fit your entire vocabulary into one sentence.

You're not a bot?

Presuming we aren't all just bots caught in the same, sad system.

I will like it but I really like most marvel movies. I don't get the cultural phenomenon. It's an upper class black dude, the same kind that sold slaves to the Dutch. I just want the mindless fun

Discounting the young drumpf-hating black people on twitter, do the rest of them get the feeling that their retardedly pandered to and marginalized to an insulting degree?

How can they not?

Good one, cuz

If we guilty whites don't help these retarded savages, who will?

The comment section has some normal people in it

They are banned now.

Yea what's the superpower, being able to carry large quantities of foodstuff on their heads or something?

Salon is just SJW news.

Second needless comment: in the 80's and 90's when I read comics I liked the black panther but the 2nd coming of Pac he is not


"Do not wait to see Black Panther. Bring tissues. Bring arms that can hold and ears to listen. There will be a lot to talk about afterward."

Actual quote. I cant even... im...

Ok that's transparently gay

i've jerked off to u/redtheftauto's butt, and even i wouldn't say that about my favorite movies

Well the mandatory enthusiasm is so enraging. Like the fucking thing because it's the black panther kicking dudes teeth in not because he's black


bring your PrEP and trans girlfriend

I could be. But hating it because people you disagree with like it is supreme cuckoldry.

The point of this thread is that anyone that would call a super hero movie a masterpiece because there's blacks in it are supreme cucks. Thanks for saying the same thing in reverse, you devils advocate queer.

Did you even read the reviews in the article? They aren't saying it's a masterpiece because of the black cast. They're saying it is a beautifully shot movie, that creates an interesting mythos and properly handles a black character.

Just like ghostbusterettes had "awesome effects"?

Yuckkkk ok from the trailers I would have killed for those effects in my ghostbusters

Humor is (mostly) subjective but the fact the same people who said black panther looks visually stunning (obviously it could be) said ghostbusters 2016 had great effects. They look like cartoons made from purple vomit

Oh for sure they look catroony but it wasn't supposed to be a scary movie the originals were more like bro cop movies. Ask much as the new one is garbage the effects would look great in the old ones

When i was 8 the fucking ghoul cabnie scared the piss out of me. The librarian ghost at the begining was creepy.

Yeah I think I was younger when I saw it. It scared the Fuck out of me

But i couldnt not watch it when it was on

Oh Fuck yeah "I've seen shit that'll turn you white"

How many of these superhero movies that had massive buzz about being amazing went on to be remembered in that same light after their theatrical release? They all just fade into the ether, except for maybe the first Christopher two Nolan Batmans. Disposable McMovies, committee-driven and corporately machinated. They all come with a built-in ceiling on what can be accomplished in narrative terms. The nerds are quite obviously tickled pink to have the black angle to run with here, to rationalize their consecration of more mediocrity.

In other woke news, the Game of Thrones guys have signed on to do their own Star Wars series, and there's complaints about people of color not being entrusted with the creative reigns of the franchise.

At this point a Tyler Perry Star Wars couldnt possible be worse than the bullshit currently bwing produced

get ready for some crazy tweets from AC.

Will feminists find it 'problematic'?

Yes. They always eat their own

Not publicly.

It's based on a real person called Batman Fee'hunnit from Detroit.

What a stupid thing to give a flying fuck about.

“Masterpiece”? That seems highly unlikely, superheroes movies are rarely masterpieces but instead fun escapism but I’ll check it out when it comes on Netflix & see for myself. Some of these journalists remind me of the awkward white kids I remember in college who were obsessed with black culture but clearly grew up in all white affluent areas. They’d embarrass the room by falling all over themselves trying to impress the unimpressed black guy who’d roll his eyes at awkward exchange. If they actually believed in equality & have had real relationships with black people then they wouldn’t go out of their way to kiss ass trying appease them, they’d just act natural. On the flip side of the coin & maybe worse than the journalists are the retards who get triggered by movies like this without even seeing & launch a campaign to fuck with the rotten tomatoes score.

After you watch the movie you realize it is all political. It's a 7/10 at best (5/10 for me), but the fact that it got 97% means white people feel guilty and/or forced into an amazing review. The black culture shit and hip hop soundtrack were probably the best part of the movie but it's a faggot superhero movie for children, manchildren, and people who are not intelligent.

Obsessing about stupid black shit is the kinda stuff that the old wet brain Ant is doing. Sure you also wanna go down this path? Who gives a shit?

Its stupid rich white commie shit

In case you were wondering what kind of movie would be immune to any kind of negative criticism.

Come on with black superheros. If Spider-Man was black he would’ve held fat white woman down with his webbing and had his way with them. Black bat man would’ve just put alpine speakers in his bat mobile and pissed of his neighbors. Black aqua man would’ve just panicked because he can’t swim

But...hes black. Black people need to be coddled

It's based on a real person called Batman Fee'hunnit from Detroit.

Did you even read the reviews in the article? They aren't saying it's a masterpiece because of the black cast. They're saying it is a beautifully shot movie, that creates an interesting mythos and properly handles a black character.

Also he’s a nigger

It’s kind of hilarious watching you try to fit your entire vocabulary into one sentence.

Yeah I think I was younger when I saw it. It scared the Fuck out of me