Joe Cumia 100% believes that "misinterpretated" and "irregardless" are words.

17  2018-02-06 by JoeCumiasCockBreath

He's as thick as a fucking plank is what I'm saying.

Oh and he sucks off babies too.


A plank is usually about 3 inches thick and he's definitely more than that.

He also believes that he is white, and that his brother is heterosexual. None of what he believes is true, except that racists can make contracts.

Thank you.

You must have bad intel soldier, because I have it on good authority that Joseph Cumia is not a PEDOPHILE.

Oh and he sucks off babies too.

I hate to jump to Joe's defence but I think you'll find he is in fact NOT a pedo. He went on national television and said so despite never being asked about it.

If that doesn't convince you then nothing will.

He also misunderestimated the hate we have for him.