Sexy erock

66  2018-02-06 by Dennyislife


God I want to slap his fat cheeks.

Fat red booze bag cheeks.

Jiggle his tits while singing "you put de lime in de coconut"

What is going on with vague piggy boy?

Sliders movie script meeting?

With how popular reboots, remakes, etc are right now it would be awesome if Hoagie Boy got his script sold with JJ “He used to do our fawkin show” Abrams producing it.

Yes. But instead of a portal or timegate, it’s a hoagie.

Erock's movie script was about a Top 40 Morning DJ who discovered he could time travel by eating enough sugar to put himself in a diabetic coma.

More like Sliders eating dvv dvv!!!

Take us to break, you fat piece of garbage.

He still has a touch of downs in this picture.

hey, the Sopranos kid all grown up.

He's a pained artiste now

looks like he tried to drown himself again.

He has lovely eyes and brow and his nose is pleasant too.

But why oh why is he so fat and why does he put said fat in his hair?

Erock is the size of a din-zaur.

How did he get so fat?

What the fuck is a din-zaur?

Fixed it!! Thanks sweetie.

Anything for you




A young Steve Bannon


Looks like an old Chris from The Sopranos

Ben fatleck

Got him

Could of said Ben Fatneck too but boss only gives me enough time for one cigarette break on the job so hey what am I suppose to do

I would smoke 2 on your break. Sometimes you just have to buck the system.

I would've went with fatneck... upvote still the same though.

Astounding fact: he’s not even the fattest O&A staffer.

Yeah. Roland transitioned species because of his obvious food addiction.

He does have a nice head of hair. Can't take that away from him

McDonald's fries are in the news for curing baldness

damn that was a clever one.

its true

This nigga’s hair is thinning and you’re over here typing away from what I’m going to assume based on that awful comment a fat bald man’s perspective. I should be able to see scalp for someone to qualify as having nice hair.

His hair is just wet.

I disagree. It looks wet because he’s one of those dudes that still slathers LA Looks hair gel to get the right spiky hair for the late 40 year old look. It’s an awful hairstyle and guys with thinning hair should either take the rest off with a machete or never take another photo again.

Precise and edgy! This guy has it all!!!!!

He still has the same haircut from middle school. That spiked fresh out of the pool” look

Hopefully it's a pitch meeting where he'll embrace his Hoagie Boy alter-ego. Superhero movies are soooooo hawt right now.

The thumbnail looked a lot more like Jay Oakerson than it should've


eric vaguel

Stupid sexy nagel

Is that RDJ or Erock?

Slobert Downsy Jr. Bacon Cheddar

He looks like he smells bad

Meeting? More like tit meat, fatty.

is it common in america to have disgusting hair full of gel like that?

Not now. 20 years ago it was.

Not since 1996

Another meating.

Anyone remember the aussie radio team Kyle and Jackie O? The ones that brought us the infamous "alright, i was raped!".

Erock looks like a younger Kyle Sandilands.

I like E-Rock :)

All gel'd up and equipped in full business attire.

Hoagie boy making it happen..

His skin makes him look like he's almost stroking. He looks extremely unhealthy

we need this beast on a jim and sam show!

Action hero stubble and toussled, stay wet locks for the athletic look

Fresh out of the Atlantic

i want to give him little kisses around his mouth

I'd totally try to cop coke off of this type of guy in a bar. All he's missing is a shitty necklace.

I know a shock jock that can hook him up.

Wearing an LL Bean zip-up fleece to a meeting. Good job, chubby.

Young Fez


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Young Steve Bannon

What a clever and unique observation.

Thank you, I’m all in with the political humor.

the next Howard

I've never seen a pig so clean cut

With that head of hair he could grow that beard out properly and hot country girls would bang him.

he looks like he's watching the Simpsons and sweating about the sexual tension between marge and bart

Yes. But instead of a portal or timegate, it’s a hoagie.

Precise and edgy! This guy has it all!!!!!