Tssssss I'm a famous gay artist or sumpthin

145  2018-02-06 by Davethebiker


My muddah yusta say, 'Chippah, get that outta yer mouth and tell yer friend to go home.'


tss this aint art why is there plastic on the walls or somthin

Oh. My. God. A young Chip Chipperson....

He's too muscular

That gay. Lol. M.

gay man

Worst super hero ever!

Oh Chippa, those people promote an unnatural lifestyle

He has, the gay face.

no, it's like long and it's got those curled lips. Listen to the clip again.

How did OP find this?

we won't judge....

it is now my life goal to get one of my friends in a newspaper with "gay man" next to his picture

My ex used to drag me to modern art shows. The worst were the ones by the faggots. Oh my god how inane this whole culture is. They are shallow losers that for some quirk of faith, make stuff that rich people like (because poor people don't get it). It's meaningless and ugly.

Modern art is a money-laundering/elite finance scheme.

It's actually just a simple way to separate out the lower classes imo

Looks like Eminem Eminemerson

Slim Chippy

David Hockney? More like David Cockney.

Tss, LGBT? Let's get busy tonight or something?

gay man!

literally labeling him like they tell us not to do

Andy Warhole?!? Tsst, why not Andy Peacehill?

Twink Twinkerson