Jim & Sam find out Youtuber Idubbbz is a huge fan of O&A and Norton. (2:22:20)

33  2018-02-06 by BabyDinosaurHead2


New liberal Jim probably wouldn't feel comfortable with Ian's use of the term nigger faggot

Jim "big government" Norton's latest political stance: The British should be forced to register to watch internet porn.

I'm convinced his face disease is also eating his brain.

Jesus christ. Please tell me you're joking.

What the fuck happened to Jim?

I think he's just trying to be unpredictable like Chris Rock but when Chris rock is being a contrarian his points make sense and they're not produced by a flesh eating brain infection.

No idea who IDubbbZzz is but now I might consider learning.

O&A fans would enjoy him.


Damn, that was great.

This dude is great.. never heard of him

Hey, that's pretty good

I’m gay.

Did he say he was a big fan recently? Any links?

The smartest thing they could do is pay his airfare and get him on that show. There’s no way idubbbz doesn’t get double the numbers these guys do.

i dont think he'd even come on


They spent that money already on the band that did the Jim & Sam theme.

How ironic jim is wearing a "Pride"shirt.

idubbbz is a pretty good egg.

iDubbz is a strangle lad. I wonder if he's here right now talking about nigs and peckas.

Jim standing up for Logan Paul. Fucking. Yuck.

I really don’t get his idiotic defence.

idubbz is coooooool

AndyWarski references Chip often. So it evens out.

I am sure Jim would have some real great hot takes about youtube

idubbbz is pretty much the only YouTuber worth watching. Maxmoefoe and FilthyFrank used to be great too but they hardly upload anymore.