I give Bill & Nia 18 months, tops...

146  2018-02-06 by -2017


Billy Bigshot hanging out with Jay-Z.

Allow me to reintroduce myself to your Netflix money.

"What was that one bit, white boy? About 'all women are golddigging whores?' Ahahahahaah"

black dudes wearing wigs nowadays?

man I am old

He probably spent $15 on that shitty glass of Amstel Light.

Whatever takes the edge off.

He probably spent $15 on that shitty glass of Amstel Light.

She’d take every last penny. I can’t see him leaving her. The other way around though maybe...

are you implying that Nia Reeënéèėę Hill is not loyal?

She is so fucking ugly. It hurts to look at her

What the fuck is wrong with bill? At this point he can land an easy 8.

Every fucking thread. That is not Nia.

This is not a defense of Bill Burr, but we've been through this for years now.

That picture is not Nia. Stop posting it. Dumbfucks.

As far as I know, that's Nia on the far right.

We really have. And it's annoying. So stop.

Who fucking cares? Are you their personal friend or something, queer? Does it really get you that worked up?

No. It's just annoying and boring

I specifically said that it wasn't a defense of Bill Burr. Do you want me to hold your hand and help you review further?

Yeah I didn't actually think you were defending Bill. Which left me so confused as to why it annoyed you so much. I know that pictures posted on this sub that are photoshopped, aren't really indications of the people they're meant to show. But I don't feel the need to make an angry little message about it.

You wrote more words in the above message than I did in my complaint.

Wow, great point. Do you want to add a sniff after that? I'll just leave it there.

You're flailing, guy.

Holy fucking shit. She looks like a tranny

her wig game is awful

You think she has fake horse hair?

It's probably from indonesian women.

likely taken off of the corpse of a woman publicly stoned to death for thinking of another mans genitals.

At least justice was served

Fuck this place is savage and I love it

That shit polyester weave nigger


Please do not imply that the main of a nobile steed would be used to decorate the common moon cricket

Being turned into glue is less demoralising

but he said it's made from 'fake horse' hair... must be from a toy horse or sumtin.

woah, a hard 'r'

I love bad wigs on black women. It makes me appreciate white and spanish girls so much more.

I hate how many black girls wear wigs and weaves. Natural black is so damn cute.

LOL try to keep the jokes believable

spanish girls



Is that a wig or weave?

a wig. looks like a helmet.

But Bill's a millionaire at this point. Why would she get a ridiculous looking wig and not some expensive weave?

because black women are ALWAYS trash

Looks like Yokozuna's wig circa 90's WWF.

Why must they emulate straight hair??

Sugar where you get your hair did

On the list of things wrong with her, that's pretty far down, but noted

The first Netflix special after the divorce is going to be great!

She's the sort of person that would enforce a "Don't talk about me in your act" clause in the divorce, but not for herself. He's the sort of person that would agree to it.

Is that a thing among top comics who get a divorce?

Jesus christ man

"I should have fuckin' KNOWN! I SHOULD have known! Jesus Christ. Where the fuck were my friends to smack some sense into me?"

Unless he shows his dick to a consenting woman first

His next wife will be uglier and blacker. Worse than Leslie Jones and the head of the metoo foundation.

Big, if true.


I saw Leslie Jones in a commercial with JB Smoove last night.

She is fucking awful. Just endless shrieking.

Don't forget the ooking and ahhing.


Cut dat part out! Goddamn it babe!!

Is Yamameika single? I've heard no guy ever regretted banging her.

God damn was Stanhope trashes during that podacast.

Shortly after she sent her food back for the fourth time and dismissed the waiter without looking at him.

Do you think she'll leave a tip?

"I'm sick of grape kool-aid, I'm a grown man for Christ's sake."

"What's that, bitch? That's what I thought."

It's almost a Dolores - Chip dynamic.

The boston guilt in these man. What did he's father do to a black family that made marry this Oakland running back.

I think her head got big after inventing the #metoo movement.

Her head got big to accommodate her gums

I don't see Burr filing for divorce. I think he'll just let it eat away at him and die early.

He died many years ago..

He’s actually stupid in love with her and it’s weird. When he was on YMH last, it really showed.

Hi Mommy! Jean! Lol! Die faggot.

Shits so stupid. Had to leave the fb groups because it became non stop. I fucking hate Christina with a passion as well. Unfunny as fuck. Basically I stick to the 5 minute YouTube clips.

How often when he's flying that helicopter does he just want to put it into a tailspin?

Well, probably never. That would result in a crash, and probably bodily harm or even death.

I believe she's banned him from flying helicopters, and playing drums, too. And she made him get rid of his dog.

She's great

And she made him get rid of his dog.

What? I haven't listened to MMP since summer of '16, is this really true? Why? What sort of man abandons man's-best-friend? #JusticeForCleo

Not to mention that helicopters, drums, and Cleo have contributed more to his bits and financial success than his better-half has.

You don't find her funny on the podcast?

She bought a rescue pitbull without telling him, he bonded with it, and then once she decided she was gonna have a kid she made him get rid of it, lest her child maul it.

A vast portion of woman are barbarians with no sense of loyalty. Social image is their utmost value. A rescue dog is an image accessory, as no doubt the child is as well.

Who wouldn't love a partner that makes you stop doing what you enjoy and get rid of things you love?

When you meet a girl who's willing to sit around your house living off your income, and with absolutely no intention of getting a job - well, you marry her right away.

No no no, according to Bill they're "both in the industry".


A real strong, proud black woman but she clips horse hair on to her velcro nappy scalp to look as caucasian as possible

The blatant hypocrisy of self-congratulatingly "woke" black people is pathetic

this is honestly why i could never date a black chick and it didnt even occur to me till a few years later how regular it was for any black woman you see to either be wearing a wig or just not have their own hair on their head

It’s over when SHE says it’s over.

And she says it's over when she's sure to get half of his money.

Question. Who is worse. Nia or Von? Dumb 3 letter sheboon bitches.

Nia, Von hasn't ruined one of my former favorite podcasts

Do we know if she fed Patrice glucose?

she drank his pee and told him it tasted like birthday cake. she tried to help.

Greatest comment.


Von at least asks for money from people she intends to rip off. Nia marries them.

Von is at least hot (with a more exotic complexion), and she never shoehorned herself into Patrice's business while he was alive.

Von was attractive and submissive. Helped Patrice develop better material. Nia is 10000x worse.

Face is so manly

Dude...this fuckin kid aint even mine

Silverback Gorilla with jewelry.

It's alright. It's not like he married her, bought and renovated a house and knocked her up.

Yeah I mean he would never get rid of his dog and his drums and his old pickup, and allow her to chimp in to his podcast

Guys, he did all those things. :0

Ya kiddin

She's already sucked whatever minimal melanin Billy had right out of him.

If he doesn’t have a prenup after all the shit he talked he really is an idiot. He was old enough to KNOW going in what would happen if it didn’t work out without a prenup. He has no excuse and no one to blame but himself if he didn’t get a prenup and gets taken to the cleaners.

You can excuse some 20 year old who got married with no money or understanding of how life works. Bill was 40 with a significant part of his act being about how guys get fucked.

From the very little I know I think prenups are barely worth the paper they are written on in California.

Deep inside him he knows he's a hypocrite after he spent years pointing on the dangers of marriage.

That is absolutely not true. Prenups hold up. I am a divorce lawyer

As stated I know very little so I'm probably wrong

There are rules to follow but if you follow them you’re good. The main one is make sure your soon to be spouse gets an attorney to review the prenup and signs it saying they reviewed it and explained it.

I think him being 40 was a big part of why he rushed into this maried. He talked a lot about not wanting to be alone when he grew old, and Nia knew that and probably exploited that fear in him.

I dont get why being with someone shitty is better than being on your own.

it takes a long time to find out someone is shitty and no one likes to admit they are wrong

yeah it took everyone years of some pretty hardcore advanced research to figure out she sucks

But why HER?

Yes, 40 year old rich guys have a really tough time on the dating market.

Say prenup more.

crazy they've been together 14 years

Her jowls and giant wig are a tad offputting.

Drinking his wine. Eating his food. wearing his dress. wearing his jewelry.

That woman is a disgusting pig.

Why is Bill with her? He's a world-wide famous comedian, he could basically get any good looking normal white chick in the world.

During his childhood his dad used to take black children and rape them in the shed out back while he made Bill watch. It's the only known story he told that explains his stupendous white guilt complex.

seriously.. why would he fucking marry that thing.

Can someone answer this? He could've easily found a 19/20 year old white chick.

I'm surprised she still lets him drink beer.

Anthony opened a restaurant and adorned it with pictures of his tribesmen.

bill looks like a barbary slave from the 1800's

Black women have a tendency to turn grey. I don't care for it.

Funniest thing Bill Burr ever said was...
"Guys, I'm marrying a black chick!"


She’s a buckaroo bonsai alien in a wig

Everyone downvoted me to shit last time, but I thought the Crashing episode with Billy mostly sucked. Ironically, Nia was in it too. She is just a comedic malignant tumor.

They've been together for like 15 years.


There's no way they'll suddenly break up now

No, she is gonna ruin his life for years because Bill is such a pussywhipped guilt-ridden moron. He will still probably walk her dog and kiss her ass afterward too. Such a bitch

I still can't fathom how Bill gave up his life for someone so unattractive. Either Bill is the biggest faggot of all or she has some fucked up shit on him.

How the hell did Bill ruin his life with this woman just when his career was taking off to the next level? I can't figure it out.

It's really inexplicable. Bill was on his way to being the #1 guy with comedy lovers.

I thought /r/BillBurr finally realized what a dull cunt Nia is for a sec, but seems like they just ignore it still.

Looks like Yokozuna's wig circa 90's WWF.

I really can't wait until this open-collar thing goes away.

I still believe he married her to keep his comedy going. She is 100% the chick in all his bits saying dumb shit. Even on the podcast she is insufferable with her bullshit. She calls kim kimmy cakes and I want to break my phone in half once she starts talking. It never feels like love between them to me just a shitty muse to keep him angry even though he is doing well.


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I love how the painting in the background is also a spade annoying a white man.

"White Husband, Black Wife" has a relatively high divorce rate according to the Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interracial_marriage_in_the_United_States#Marital_instability_among_interracial_and_same-race_couples

Is that Ant in the picture behind them?

Hello darkness my old wife

...you guys know they were together for 12 years before getting married right?

Oh, this thread is just an excuse to desperately hate women and be racist. Carry on fellas.

How did you find this place?

I swing through about once a month to outrageously laugh at the impotent anger on display. It's very amusing to me and helps me to remember how much I've grown up since I was in the same angry place fifteen years ago (when I was 20)

You're too old to be on the internet.

That sounds like a sad life.

It's not much different from scrolling through /r/funny or /r/instantregret every few weeks. People making themselves miserable is always worth a chuckle!

Laughing at racist alcoholics is fun, not miserable. But I like your fake enthusiasm!

That's just what I said. I'm laughing at you guys. Like, I just said that!

I don't feel like I come here enough to be one of the guys, but have fun laughing at them!

aren't 2 letters g's from her name?

Nia, Von hasn't ruined one of my former favorite podcasts

It's probably from indonesian women.

That shit polyester weave nigger

Is that a thing among top comics who get a divorce?


Von at least asks for money from people she intends to rip off. Nia marries them.

Von is at least hot (with a more exotic complexion), and she never shoehorned herself into Patrice's business while he was alive.

Von was attractive and submissive. Helped Patrice develop better material. Nia is 10000x worse.

I hate how many black girls wear wigs and weaves. Natural black is so damn cute.

We really have. And it's annoying. So stop.

You wrote more words in the above message than I did in my complaint.

spanish girls
