Feeble Bobo.

2  2018-02-06 by RBuddCumia



N-word callable.

I'd watch this sex tape

Still wearing the same shit Mets outfit. Does he know to change clothes?

Last time he tried, there was An Unfortunate Mishap.

You can argue Bobo isn’t a con artist, you can even say you like him, but you’d have to admit he doesn’t deserve the exposure and attention he gets. He was a gimmick guest from a radio show which ended 4 years ago.

This isn’t jealousy on my part; it’s a natural reaction to seeing someone who should have faded back into obscurity years ago. the fact that more than ten people know who he is is a perverse crime against the laws of fame.

He can convince someone in Japan that he’s famous.

Boshetti has that "Come inside sweety we wont hurt you" face. They keep Mike and Bobo around to give the impression that they are not filming child snuff films. Joe does the Shriner Aziz anzari Claw and makes toddelers puke in his mouth then he strangles and resuscitates the children. Bringing them to the brink of death and medically reviving them.

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N-word callable.