Ain't that the truth

117  2018-02-06 by jkrick13


Urgh, Opie's stupid necklaces

I only started listening a few years ago. Was Opie always this hated?

There was always a tiny minority of fans that hated him.Two shows after Anthony was fired we all hated him and we all apologised to those who had already hated him prior.

Yep, I pushed back for years on here against the Opie hate. I always left it at he was just mediocre and I still believe today he's better than Sam merely because he has a good radio voice. I listen to O&A in the background while I work and Sam's voice is so grating where it's impossible to ignore him like I could with Opie.

But yeah once the Gregshells stuff came out and I started relistening to old O&A I totally get the hatred for him now.

It's like listening to your favourite bands... at first it's just one complete sound but eventually you get to pick out the invidiual intstruments and start to notice each guys contributions.

Bizarrely no. At least not to the extent he his now. Listeners actually used to talk about his strength as a radio producer/board op. That he was the " coach " of the show who controlled the plays. Sure, they said, he aint the funniest guy in the room but he was never supposed to be. That's why he got Anthony involved!

But the show was loved for it in its entirety and that was inextricably linked to Gregg.

As someone who didn’t used to listen- is there somewhere I can read on the backstory of what went down and why this sub seems to really hate Opie and somewhat hate anythony and also hate their frequent quest stars like but still hang around here quite often? It’s pretty fascinating to an outsider

u/frrunkis is right. If you search here for posts around July 14 and then gradually onwards you'll start to see the shift. It's all in the posts and comments. Even amongst the heinous shit about Opie's kids or Anthony's entire family there is info and discussions about their annoying character traits, emotional crutches and blatant hypocrisy.

It's all here, babe. You just got to go find it.

The 1 benefit of being here for 4 years is watching the tide turn.

I'm envious of you in a way; you get to go back and experience " the changening " for the first time.


Good luck and I'll see you real soon.

I tried to look through some top posts from the past year and I'm still very confused... also confused about people disliking both or all people involved in this show or any new iterations still coming here very consistently

We come here for the drama and comedy. The last thing I ever listened to involving anyone from O&A were the Greggshells episodes that Tranpa did a few years ago. I tried giving Opie & Jim a shot but it was terrible. I tried giving Jim & Sam a shot but it was terrible. I considered subscribing to Ant's network several years ago but it's dog shit. None of this stuff is worth a damn. I'm only here to watch old men do and say stupid things and to laugh at them.

This makes sense, thanks. It does seem pretty entertaining

No point in looking at just the past year. You have to go back further. I don't know how to do a date specific search but you have to find a way to go back to 1985 July 2014.

It's there that you'll find what you are seeking.

Ah ok, I'll check it out thanks

The Grapes argument in March 2009 also planted some seeds for Opie hatred that eventually grew to the heavens like Jack's beanstalk. A lot of listeners filed that one away in their mental cabinet.

The 1 benefit of being here for 4 years is watching the tide turn.

Reddit Birthday July 8, 2017

What a fucking liar.

You showed your hand my boy.

If you were anyone worth knowing, you would know that I have been hyar for years - I deleted and then retreated once I realized that I cannot live without this sub. Hence me more recent moniker.

Now have at you and remember your place, boy.

You can't fool me. I know you are a chinaman.

Wow, exactly what ive been thinking. I am late to the party as well so to speak. Its weird

Anthony was beloved during the entirety of his time on OnA. When he was fired everyone was on his side, and rooting for him to come out on top, despite the fact of him being the architect of his own demise. When he launched his own shoddy network, his scumbag attributes became devoid of their prior charm, and he was revealed to be a far less effective solo broadcaster - a manic collection of tics and crutches, delivered with the phony enthusiasm OnA used to shred Jocktober targets for. He began to lean into the less humorous side of his proclivities, and exposed himself as a trashy asshole. A litany of personal scandals and embarrassments, combined with drunken vendettas against fans and a continued decline in quality of his broadcasting output, has led to the current juncture of him largely existing as a pin cushion for the audience who previously provided steadfast support.

Wow, thanks for this. Pretty clear picture

A slight modification to your answer: Opie WAS hated throughout the years, but it came and went. Sometimes he was hated when he killed jokes with his stupid lines or missed the flow/energy of the room and ruined the mood, but there were also times that he had decent ideas and actually would help the flow of the show quite well.

Opie was at his best not when he "steered the ship", but rather when he'd instigate the funny. One of his best moments came when Ant was talking about his divorce, and Opie, playing innocent, asked something along the lines of "Would you ever get married again?" This set Ant off on a tirade about marriage, but Opie playing that role was legitimately funny.

As the years went on, hatred for Opie grew because he stopped helping the show and tried to take control of it and become the ring master, like Howard is on his show.

I do think at some point Opie served a purpose. Back when it was more of a shock jock show rather than a comedy show, Opie had his role and did it well enough. But he became lazy and self-important and that slowly killed the flow of the show over time.

I think their failed crossover attempt really killed Opie's spirit. I think that Opie was riding high back in 2006 and thought that they were going to take over the audience that Stern left when he went to satellite. When it failed in epic fashion I think Opie stopped caring and became more obsessed with his stupid bullshit because he felt like he was losing control of the show to the comedy people.

That's what I was getting at when I said Opie's best role was instigating the funny. The guys were right when they said that Opie was never supposed to be the funniest guy in the room, because making jokes isn't his strong suit. HOWEVER, I have thought that when Opie tried to instigate the funny rather than try to make jokes that Opie could be the funniest guy in the room.

I think in a way you're right about the crossover. Opie's ego was amazingly fragile. Granted, so were Ant's and Jimmy's egos, but theirs looked like a bulwark compared to Opie's fragility.

I’m a “hold on hold on hold on hold let’s break this down guy”. That made me hate.

That's what 16 year olds wore in 2004. Opie always trying to look young and hip.

opie is doing a masonic hand guesture.

Fake news, freemasons don't accept tits.

He is a religious free agent though. May also be a member of Jephtha Lodge #494 Huntington, Long Island NY. look at the thumbnail

they have female lodges for him/her/zir

Where would you even by the necklaces opie wore? Spencer's gifts or something in the mall??

Somewhere that people say "bro" and "man" a lot and talk extensively about the virtues of cannabis use.

That's O-N-N-I-T dot com.

Long Island stores. Especially stores that were near the water. I remember as a kid going to Montauk and my dad told me I could pick something from the store. Eight year old me wanted a shark tooth necklace because it looked cool. He told me those necklaces are for faggots. So I got a soda instead. The better decision. But anyway, the stores on the shore had those types of necklaces.

Abercrombie & Fitch. Haha

Where ever fat emo broads buy their chokers.

For such a small brain Opie's heed is massive.


That’s the bit.


We're two guys, who think W2's are overrated!

Subtle unemployment joke. I like it.

I hated Opie years ago for a multitude of events prior to and including cakestomp.

I always wondered how I could be the only one.

Then I found this place.