Colin Quinn on the Nick Di Paolo Show (02/05/2018)

24  2018-02-06 by beavvv


I know what I'm listening to. Thanks for the tip.

I laugh how Colin hardly ever goes on Ants show.

He shows up for Bobo and DiPaulo.

And yet he pops up on weird shit like Talk Show Game Show

He’s a strange man.

Even without any business sense Colin knows to stay away from that shithole.

Colin has cut Artie out of his life. He won’t do Cumia as long as Artie is around. Read Artie’s second book. Colin is a Saint. He tried so hard to help Artie and was there to support Artie’s mother and sister.

But he only done Cumia's show twice before Artie came in.

the greats

I hope "Larry" calls in and rambles on for 14 minutes.

How come? Or just the same reasons that we hated the old shows callers?

Every guy that calls in is a living "Regular Joe" Jim Norton character, just cranky dumb working class white guys. And worse, they call in with awful blue collar break room type jokes and tired old bits everyone has heard a billion times trying to be funny. Most of them drone on and on repeating the same points, it's like an army of Brother Joe's calling. They mostly ruined his show for me, I miss when it was his podcast and just Nick going off by himself.

Good man. Anybody who calls into a radio show is just the worst. Fucking kill yourselves

I listened to a few shows and I could not believe Nick spends 10-20 min segments just having boring conversations with callers or talking about politics. I just found nothing funny, but it can be good when a funny guest is there talking about something else.

That's the other thing that drives me crazy about it; Nick is just lazy. He finds a couple topics, sets them up, then wastes the rest of the time letting the callers do 60% of the work for him. It's the same thing Tom Leykis did.

I don't blame him, Nick is older and cranky and generally over show business. He just wants a paycheck, and he knows this is an easy one. But it definitely sucks if you're a fan of his and hoping for more.

lol at Colin getting nervous about Nick wanting Aaron Glaser on the show

He’s a strange man.