James F. Norton, Led Zeppelin will always be a better band than Sabbath.

1  2018-02-06 by RBuddCumia

Though they did steal a lot of shit, Page's arrangements are better than anything Sabbath ever did originally. Plus all those blues guys up and down the delta stole from each other throughout the existence of the blues.

Norton is a man child that likes pee-pee on his chest from confused men.


yuck, John Bonham was the only talented part of the band and he drank himself to death.

He was one of the better players of his generation, that's about it.

I hate Led Zeppelin but Jimmy Paige & The bass player guy who's name I can't remember right now are just about as good as it gets. I'd probably love them if Robert Plant didn't look & sing like an ugly woman.

They both stink.

Black Sabbath fucking stinks.

Fuck yeah Zeppelin is better than Sabbath ever was.

Black Sabbath is fucking amazing; they started the droning, repetitive, aggressive riff based music that I love. Led Zeppelin was always so fucking pretentious and gay.

This post has turned out to be a real hornets nest. I'm more of an Eagle Eye Cherry guy myself.

Does Jimmy ever mention the half dozen truly terrible albums Sabbath made after Dio left?