I don't think there is anything in the O&A universe more insufferable that Bro Joe trying to sound intelligent.

113  2018-02-06 by TinKnockinMoroccan

He's always using some two dollar word which he clearly found on thesaurus.com. You can tell because they're awkwardly inserted into sentences in ways no one normally would. He also phrases things in an attempt to make them sound grammatically correct even though they're still wrong. So everything ends up sounding like a retard's idea of how royalty would speak.

"As in years passed, those of us who would ordinarily watch the sporting game of football shall now abstain and commence with are beloved passtime of poker instead."


He talks in an abysmal manner.

His entire being is quite lamentable.

His brother walks in an abysmal manor.

tss residence yuma

Tss, don't mansion it

dis guys good

go hed do another one

House your day going?

this went from ironic to a sad waste of time very quickly

What's MY problem? You're in mYyYy fuckin house!

Birdbrain used "abysmal" like 3 times in a row after that judge said it.

Her jugs are far from abysmal.

Ant trying to sound intelligent

With Ant it's far more bearable because he's an order of magnitude more intelligent than Joe

I don't think they're that far apart in intelligence.

After all, Anthony continues to rant and rave on Twitter, something which continues to cause him problems.

The only reason he ever came off as intelligent is because he sat next to Opie and watched the Discovery channel once or twice.

I remember hearing an interesting description of intelligence from this guy who's known for testing extremely high on IQ tests. He said that he's really not that smart because he spends hours studying IQ tests when a really smart person would use that time inventing something or making a fortune.

Joe genuinely is a dummy but Ant is a smart guy who wastes his time on stupid things instead of bettering himself or the world.

IMO Anthony seems like a reasonably intelligent guy with some serious rage and substance abuse issues. Joe is his brother.

His substance abuse problems stem from the fact that every moment of his life unaltered by twitter or drugs is filled with the voice of his father berating him for being a homosexual.

Tbf he also Sat next to Morton

It’s not Ants fault. It’s obv the blacks

Jim Norton trying to sound intelligent

ahhhh that’s a tough one man

He's so "make-funof-able".


50 years old as a struggling road comic and never once introduced to the concept "mockery" despite owing his entirely livelihood to it

It's the commonality of language maaaaaan

And the 'jocularity' of it

You are a pusillanimous

a retard's idea of how royalty would speak

Yeah that about sums him up.

Sometimes he combines two different words into one word, and honestly that's really creative.

Joe is like a dollar store Anthony. Who despite sharing genes with, does a terrible job of trying to be exactly like.

Anthony is Dollar Tree, Joe is Family Dollar

Only poor scumbags such as myself will understand

Lol,I understand. Dollar Tree is a middle class novelty errand store for good deals, Family Dollar is where you buy your kids snowpants for 8 dollars on a child support check


He used "As in years passed" AGAIN?

He used it twice last week in another tweet:https://www.reddit.com/r/opieandanthony/comments/7tl0co/so_much_cancer_in_just_one_tweet/dtdftl3/

Remember how badly Joe wanted to be on Radio. It was his dream and he was the one hustling and begging people to let him be on the air and he was such a dumb boring fuck his brother who just went along with him got the job instead.

Ya know Joe is jealous as fuck


Joe is Viserys Targaryen. Anth is Daenarys who was loved by the Dothraki for a while before fucking up and being banished. This Sub is the Big Dragon that Daenarys used to control but got killed, captured and now shoots blue fire at anyone he wants to. How'd ya like that Analogy? Let the upvotes "Ensue" lightning?

And you are a huge faggot.

Well that was a little, shall I say, unexpected. Is it cos of the poor post or all the dick porn on my laptop?

Holy fuck is that a real quote?

i don't think there's anything more pathetic about this sub than the people who genuinely care and are invested in some retard nobody who wouldn't exist unless they chose to focus mental time and energy on him

Joe is smart, remember when he correctly said ‘100’s of thousands’ on Facebook?

Besides O&A Pest, who really even listens to Brother Joe? He comes off as a guy that in real life his opinion always gets thrown to the side. I seen this behavior from people who don’t have a voice in the real world but they think just because they have a good amount of followers they justify the small group as a support group to his small words.

Even in the glimpses we got from brother joe, his words didn’t take him anywhere in life besides a U2 cover band while his brother got to live 15 minutes of C-List celebrity life.

He will forever be remember as Brother Joe, nothing else.

Remember when Patrice watched Norton’s old standup and said that he had to look up new words to describe it because he didn’t know enough? That was fun.

You're forgetting HIS odd APPROACH to CAPITALIZATION and exclamation POINTS!!!!!!!!!!

This is a very perspicacious observation.

Tss, don't mansion it