ME: Greggshells. A nickname given to me by a man who can't take any criticism himself

30  2018-02-05 by Dennyislife

Opie on his Instagram live.


an unstoppable force, meeting an immovable object


Ant gave credit to someone on here for that. Tits just heard it from him.

greggshells and anthills both equally easy to smash

This sub came up with Gregshells

I'm a subscriber and can't take any criticism, does that count?

Both are faggots whom i listen to everyday of my pathetic life


Every time I havent listened in a couple weeks and I think im finally over it for good, I see an old jocktober in my youtube suggested videos or something and im right back in...

Hey shitdick, YOU are not Greggshells. Greggshells are ANY topics or observations involving YOU.

Because if anyone dare address any of those topics or observations, your panties are instantly bunched up and you delve tits-first into your deep rooted sociopathic nature and resort to your outbursts of autistic responses, keep people waiting outside the studio ('The Opie Timeout'), actively look to negatively influence careers, and emit secretions known to engulf entire stuidos known simply as a "Piss Mist".

This guy is overdue for a knuckle-sandwich, and Sam can have the crusts.

stands up and claps

ME: huh?