Just found out my ex is doing live pornhub streams.

10  2018-02-05 by [deleted]



send it to me first... ya jerk

Where the fuck is the link?! FUCK

I'd say your a petty fag for doing such a thing, what did she do cut your balls off and kill your dog? Get over it.


Although it's not, you'd be accused of revenge porn. While she did start the pornhub account and posted the content for the world to see, the US is so fucked up these days that you'll be viewed as the devil and she'll be viewed as an innocent victim who is pure as the driven snow.


You should be proud you got away from that whore!!

PS - does she have a phone #? Asking for a friend

You sound like a bitch

I want to see the page.

I want to see the boat movie.

The fag deleted it.

Go to them acting genuinely worried. No links at first. Just put out the fact and a way to google it.

Of course its all made up though.