"The F-Bomb". What are you five?

28  2018-02-05 by RBuddCumia


useless reporting. I don't know if he said FUCK or FAGGOT.

Fucking faggots.

he said fudgepacker

Why don't they just say "obscenity" or "racial slur" instead of n-bomb? Modern journalists are children, writing for housewives.

Whenever TMZ does a story about someone saying faggot, they say he "became homophobic", which is an even more absurd way of putting it.

Like homophobia is rabies.

He was not a homophobe until that word entered his head

“Became homophobic.” That doesn’t even make sense. Wouldn’t they already be homophonic if faggot was their go-to insult? If not, then why can’t they just say “I was only homophobic for that one moment, but I’m not anymore.”

Where did it say n-bomb?


Kevin is literally a 1:3 scale model of that big nigger

I cant wait to hear the opinion of those two mens men

"I definitely wouldn't want to mess with that guy. He looks like he could be a problem. And cursing at him like that just isn't fair. The only thing this guy understands is brutality. He would just destroy Kevin Hart if it wasn't for the cameras and the laws that say he can't."

"I definitely wouldn't want to mess with that guy. He looks like he could be a problem. And cursing at him like that just isn't fair. The only thing this guy understands is brutality. He would just destroy Kevin Hart there weren't cameras and laws stopping him."

Going off that photo it may be felch

Pope wrote cunt

Another example of why the wrong team won.

Why would they promote material that makes him look bad? They aren’t journalists, it’s (supposed to be) a comedy show. They could at least put a spin on it to make it funny or show they don’t care. Reading this you’d think both of these hosts are appalled by Kevin Hart’s super bowl antics. JUST MAKE A GOOD SHOW JIM.

Shorty got stub snubbed.