I feel bad for Mr. M, dealing with Anthony was probably a fun little game but Anthony's fans just give me a headache... does Austin even realize even unlikeable people deserve the best legal defense they can get?

0  2018-02-05 by LongShirtsleeves


How can you defend someone that so savagely murdered your sister, Roman Polanski?

<sighs and scrolls>

These cunts know M wasnt his defense during that trial right

The same mouth breathing retards that believe in America and the Constitution can’t fathom that we have the right to defend ourselves in court. They’ll also rant about how unprofessional “those people” are but then hypocritically cry when someone fulfills their ethical responsibility to professionally represent their client. And then for a guy like Ant who has zero shame about saying and doing whatever it takes to get ratings, listeners, advertisers, subscribers and headlines to act like he’s mortified that a lawyer just does his fucking job. At the end of the day, it’s just a fact pattern you apply the law to. No reason to get your panties all twisted.

I was curious about what put a bug up 🐜's ass about OJ? He was offering a job a few months ago.

Exactly, my brother is a criminal defense attorney & he’s represented some real scumbags but that’s part of the job & no normal educated person would personally hold that against him. Only absolute morons who can’t seem to wrap their heads around the justice system, act shocked & appalled by lawyers.

Since when was OJ not awarded the same rights as anyone else?