For anyone who cares: (((They))) just blocked Jordan Peterson from logging into his Facebook.

26  2018-02-05 by Every1ShouldBKilled


Who cares. Facebook is a private leftist organization who nixes people they don’t agree with. It’s not gonna change. Why do people like him still use the dumb site?

It's odd they're doing it now when he's essentially winning.

I agree with RCB - FB is a for-profit, publicly traded corporation. If they don’t want you as a customer anymore, then you are out of luck ... write a letter to the editor.

Product, not customer.

Fawkin deep brothaman

Start a new Facebook, call it BroBook. Private companies can do what they want.

And no normal person will be on BroBook besides the angry dudes who think Facebook has an underlying Marxist agenda when in reality it’s a site for old people to catch up. Hate the Alt-right

He probably asked them to. It benefits both of them. They both get more publicity, Jordan gets to continue his victim routine and facebook gets more traffic/ad revenue.

i like conspiracies, but that seems a little off

maybe he reported himself, but FB wouldn't want the anti free speech heat, so collusion seems far fetched

Peterson is a sneaky lil money grubber though, so I'm inclined to believe it.

Just walk me thru it

Did he call Facebook?

Or did hey meet some were?

Can't imagine this pundit (or any) has that much pull over a multi billion dollar conspiracy

I don't care for Peterson and was just joking. The more likely thing is that Peterson just says things that he knows will get him suspended. Adding to the notion that he is a victim, which gives him publicity and generates donations to his patreon.

That's a bingo

Anyone who use Jewbook is a fucking moron. You're giving them marketing information about yourself that is worth thousands or more, and in return they give you nothing of value. It's the same with the DNA heritage companies (also Jewish-owned scams, btw) - you give them thousands of dollars of biometric data, and they tell you the general location of your ancestry.

The problem with the Alt Right is that it assumes white America is capable of "awakening." It's not. White America is simply too stupid and weak-willed to take the steps necessary to improve it's lot in the world. So it will keep on giving Jews their money, and elevating them to positions of authority and influence because not watching Jewish entertainment or not using the Jewish internet is simply too hard for them to do.

Nailed it. China will take the throne. The death of the west is partially due to suicidal whites standing at the edge of the cliff looking down and contemplating, and partly Jews giving us a gentle push.

The Chinks might not be as creative or individualistic, but their collectivism makes societies run a little tighter and prevents outsiders from making them feel guilty and leech off them.

Betamax was technologically better than VHS but still lost due to factors other than pure merit. Same with Whites vs Asians. They deserve to win, Whites have fucking given up.

The Chinese are emotionless insects - the old "mug six gazillion!" is simply not going to work on them.

The mainland chinese still love Mao who killed 45 million of their own, the jews haven't got a leg to stand on with them.

They aren't weighed down with (((western))) morality or (((democracy))).

I’m pretty sure I liked some of your post & thought you were kinda funny but now I realize I must have had you confused with another username …“The problem with the Alt Right is that it assumes white America is capable of "awakening."”…hahaaha!! You gotta be kidding. Another gem “not narcotizing themselves with Jewish weed and alcohol” I know I can find Manischewitz but where do I find the Kosher Cush? I know for a fact that you don’t live in any major city or suburban area on the East Coast, West Coast, Northern Mid-Western cities like Chicago/Detroit or even Florida at least the non-redneck parts. I’d be willing to bet that you couldn’t pick out a Jew out of a line up, not even a hypothetical bet I’m talking I set up a quiz that can be fact checked & out a severalgrouping of people you pick the jew. Since you keep referring to whites & Jews as a separate race it should be easy for you. I’m legit, we can an unbiased party test you & we’ll bet, I’d be willing to go up to $500 & won’t bet less than $100. Let me know homie.

Hahaa! Who knew

Semites are not white.

That's some word salad - I'm not sure what your point is. But if Jews and whites are genetically the same, why do all the DNA genealogy companies have separate categories for Ashkenazi jews?

You have such a defeatist attitude

Do you camp at all?

It's very useful as a political tool just like Twitter and YouTube. Yeah it's super gay and neoliberal though

So where we at with the rug salesman?

His advice is free.

A lifetime of clinical practice and teaching at universities, including Harvard. He knows a thing or two about how humans think and how our minds work.

Who is Jordan Peterson??

A hero

He's been described in Canada as a stupid person's version of what a smart person is.

He appeals to the bottom third of the white population who seem to think they'd all be NASA scientists if it weren't for nigs. Somehow every failure in their life is related to the fall of the white race or some SJW or anything else but their own lack of education/work-ethic/intellect/job skills/whatever.

Cue the imbecile who works some fast-food gig who once got a B- on a local CC Western Civ course ranting on the end of the West and the white race.

He's been described in Canada

No one read past this point.

That's not at all what his position is. Are you retarded or trolling?

Good jordan sucks ass

I haven't watched anything by him, but since you don't like him and you're a faggot that posts to r/ChapoTrapHouse, I'll check some of his stuff out.

That you cared enough to check my post history makes you a bigger faggot than I could ever be

Figured I'd get an idea of Jordan Peterson's ideology by seeing what peope who say "he sucks" believe.

Yeah, it took me a whole 3 seconds to figure out you're a faggot.

Bernie2020 😂

ChapoTrapHouse fans are the most non-neurotypical people on the planet. And this is coming from an O&A fan.

We're all gay as shit over here, so what?

i'm so sick of this dollar store joseph campbell and all the little neet faggots who constantly post his meme philosophy like it's not just christian ideology dressed up as self help.

What you’re saying doesn’t even make sense considering he is ultimately critical of Joseph Campbell.

You sound like you’ve read that sentence somewhere before and decided to use it in an effort to be the ‘enlightened’ one in the room.

You’re not. You’re in a subreddit where the aim is to harass and focus on homosexuality allegations. Act accordingly.

here's an allegation: you're a giant faggot.

A lot of gusto for someone who wont even leave his UN attached

I don't like Jordan Peterson since he seems like the guy who Anthony is getting all his dumb "Traditional Family Values" stuff from

no thats Gavin and Jared Taylor


Who the fuck is Jordan Peterson, and why should I care?

A bloody monster from the underworld.

Would (((they))) be the ones who he specifically avoids referencing? Quick reminder that this thespian-tier "academic" denies race realism.

More than likely someone was trying to hack his account. Facebook does a lot of cunty shit but this most likely is just an automated security measure.


It's odd they're doing it now when he's essentially winning.

Peterson is a sneaky lil money grubber though, so I'm inclined to believe it.

Anyone who use Jewbook is a fucking moron. You're giving them marketing information about yourself that is worth thousands or more, and in return they give you nothing of value. It's the same with the DNA heritage companies (also Jewish-owned scams, btw) - you give them thousands of dollars of biometric data, and they tell you the general location of your ancestry.

The problem with the Alt Right is that it assumes white America is capable of "awakening." It's not. White America is simply too stupid and weak-willed to take the steps necessary to improve it's lot in the world. So it will keep on giving Jews their money, and elevating them to positions of authority and influence because not watching Jewish entertainment or not using the Jewish internet is simply too hard for them to do.

The Chinese are emotionless insects - the old "mug six gazillion!" is simply not going to work on them.

They aren't weighed down with (((western))) morality or (((democracy))).

It's very useful as a political tool just like Twitter and YouTube. Yeah it's super gay and neoliberal though