I only want Philly to win because of Bill Burr’s epic Philly rant and to see the ridiculous riots.

16  2018-02-05 by MrPsFriend

protect Steven Singers!


If Philly was to win it would be similar to the news after a hurricane and flooding, with the one memorable darkie that did something everyone is laughing about for weeks to come except, it would be Philly white trash

i hope Father Doris is okay... Nobody seems to know, where he is.

I was there when burr trashed philly. It was amazing. We won tonight and i watched every man in my family break down in tears. They have been waiting their whole lives for this

What a sad, empty existence.

Please tell me you realize how stupid that is

Tell that to my 75 yo uncle who has been waiting his whole life for a ring. I dont really care about sports too much, i was more happy fpr them

Your uncle is gonna die soon we hope.

You all suck