Ant is Lady Di with more money and people around.

79  2018-02-05 by TinKnockinMoroccan

He drinks from the time he wakes to the time he eventually passes out with twitter in his hand. He doesn't have a real job or any responsibility because Keith is obviously running(more like ruining, amirite gang?) at his house/compound media. And he's a compulsive liar who never owns up to any of the fucked up shit he's done.

If he didn't have money or his sad group of nuthuggers, he'd be getting wasted in some shit hole apartment waiting for thiamine deficiency to claim his sanity.


And I’m sure he’s soon to be robbed while in a drunken stupor at Crown Fried Chicken.

Ant is significantly less charming than Di

No no no no... I am less charming than Lady Di?

I'm sure if Lady Di bought her friends she would have people around, too

Perhaps her boat wouldn't be imaginary either

Do you guys think Ant has any real friends ( excluding Norton), or are they all in it to hang out at his mansion, and take advantage of his money?

Genuine friends, but as pathetic as him. Just poorer.

Norton isn't a real friend with anyone besides himself.

They like each other and have fun, but either of those fags have the ability of true friendship.

Colin is the only person who's genuinely friends with everyone.

You guys are so sad. Who gives any sort of shit about him? The posts here clearly have lots of time and thought put into them, time you slobs take away from video games and being furries so Anthony must have fucked your single mom and left her tied up for you to find or something. You’re pathetic people.

time you slobs take away from video games

Cumia is an avid vidyagame enthusiast.

Even your defense of Anthony is further evidence he's undeniably a loser.

Umm. No defense. I don’t give a flying fuck about him.

Sure ya don't.

Sure I don’t.

You just care about us. We get it.

avid vidyagame enthusiast.

Yet he still only has a shitty, surface level knowledge of them.

Hi fred. M.

Hi Ant.

Ant is lady di with more people around? No no he's not. Oh you guys, stop.



No, no, no, I'm not Lady Di

Ant is Bill. Keith is his lady di

I see it the other way around. Keith is Bill, Anth is Di.

Bill got a flunky in to do his dirty work and died a horrific early death. Although Ant is likely to lose his mind...

That's true, but Bill was also a severe agoraphobe.

If this is the case I can't wait for Intern Ant to come to Jim & Sam.

Does that make Opie Marion?

She’s won more real fights.

Hopefully Ant doesn't take up residence in the subway tunnels with The Romeo Of The Railroads.

(Remember that whole saga?)

Holy shit that was great. They made it sound kinda fun to be a mentally ill drunk vagrant in New Jersey.

He also likes getting fucked in the ass by his boyfriend

Lady Di has people who love her without mooching from her. The Admiral always wins in the end!

Lady Di is currently serving her country on ship.

She is a patriot and how dare you disparage her good name?

Umm. No defense. I don’t give a flying fuck about him.

avid vidyagame enthusiast.

Yet he still only has a shitty, surface level knowledge of them.

That's true, but Bill was also a severe agoraphobe.