I got really high today for the first time in a while and had a deep thought about how fucking weird...

0  2018-02-05 by Hold_My_Brush22

...how fucking weird this community of people are.

Anyway, I love dicks. Happy Superbowl.


Enjoy the game, Mr. Rogan.

Did u smoke a doobie, MAAAAANNNN?

I'm higher than giraffe pussy. It's bananas, maan.


Dude, I fought myself on the grammar there for like 2 minutes and just said fuck it.

Don't act like we're all geniuses here, bro. Fight me, dude.

I can't smoke weed anymore. Too much anxiety, too much "do you think they think we're high?" or wasting the day wandering around skyrim

That's why you get drunk first.

Dude ... take three lefts and wonder why you didn’t take a right

It's filled with depressed alcoholics. I'm neither, so I just get a contact high. I love it

Shut the fuck up.

no Vos plug? well ya got me

What's your thoughts on water

Oh Anthony.