How did the MalcolmX/Ant Feud begin?

8  2018-02-04 by ForceBangPow


No one will ever know who fired first ... that’s for the historian to figure out. Right now, we are watching a war on racism and the future of Compound Media.

Anth posted something about hoping Fred Goldman kills OJ then Malcolm rubbed his giant nuts on Anth's face craters for the next 96 hours

This is a solid recap.

If my memory is right Anthony was making clear and direct threats against Orange slices life.

Ya dont tug at superman's cape.

The year was 1994, and two brothers from long island had just submitted their hit song ‘Electric Shock OJ’ for a local radio contest

In no one gives a fuck news i was born in 94

Hey, a youngin. How's it going? suuuuuure

Born in 96 fuck me first

Anthony made a poorly-considered comment about OJ Simpson. Mr. LaVergne is Mr. Simpson's lawyer, and requested Ant take the tweet down. Ant, Brother Joe, and assorted other ballwashers then started tweeting things to Mr. LaVergne that you probably shouldn't say to a defamation lawyer; Mr. LaVergne then replied with several day's worth of impressively well-researched commentary on Ant's character and tastes.

They've been sparring back-and-forth for days now, as Ant risks a massive lawsuit for absolutely no benefit at all beyond amusing this sub.