Malcolm has started critiquing Anthony's impressions

66  2018-02-04 by Ant_Sucks


I like Ant's Tony Danza.

Toughts en prayerz, toughts en prayerz...

That's what got me hooked on the show. Never got better than that.

Gay Dice wasn't bad either.

Should we even know about Tony Danza though? I found about about him through that impression and I was kinda insulted to be exposed to that garbage.

If you're over 30 you would probably know the guy well from Who's The Boss.

1) "If you're over 30..." I'm not

2) Actors, movies/TV and references to them are cringe.

3) I don't even know actors I could know considering my age. It's a lowlife thing to obsess over them so much to know about the shitty ones like Danza outside of their roles in things. Let them do their gay little performance thing if you are into that, but beyond that they're not worth occupying space in your brain. Even looking for errors in people's behavior is a more sophisticated way of wasting time.

I'm glad to get a lesson on what relevant information I should store in my brain from a guy on a dead radio show's message board.

Happy to help, babe.

Right again.

Goodfellas, Jaws, Sopranos, LMAO

These doll's eyes are a very difficult situation here, Hendry

Cumia's impressions are almost always great. M was making valid points and now he's flopping.

Ant's impressions are quite possibly the only thing about his life that you can't find fault with

Except that shitty 1930s Chinese accent he does

It's Japanese :)

Oh right. I just saw that pick from Chinese New Year where he was Chinese but still used the same fuck accent

He does the same accent for all Asians- but its Japanese

I always liked in when Patrice would say:

I feel sorry for yo motha

Only Anthony would have a Japanese character (Yoshi) delivering Chinese Food

Also whenever Anthony did an impression of a black person it was cringe level terrible

Yep, this!

It was always a 70's jive-turkey black man voice.

I just watched an episode of Match Game 74 with a "Confucius say, man who _____". They just did Mickey Rooney for 5 mins and said they undid everything "Nixon just did in China". So quaint. Unless you run a "media empire" then it's "groundbreaking".

His Tony Soprano impression is fucking abominable.

His CQ impression is fucking dog shit yet he does it every fucking time they talk about him. He even did it in front of him a couple of times. It makes me cringe beyond the point of embarrassment.

I agree. It's just a half-assed version of Jay Mohr's excellent CQ impression.

It makes me cringe beyond the point of embarrassment.

Does it? Does it really?

Yes. Because it sounds nothing like the guy.

It's usually one sentence long, chill out. And it's not like he precedes it with "Stand back, here comes a flawless impression"

You're right. You've changed my mind. Daddy Anthony's gonna be so proud of you once he sees this.

No no, you're right. When Ant says "mrr, hmm" I have to cover my face, I get so embarrassed for him. I mean, how can anybody look at themselves in the mirror after doing a less than perfect impression of a somewhat popular stand up comedian? Now that I think of it, he once did a Scottish accent, but poorly. He should just fucking kill himself.

Has Malcolm been sent the opie cake stomp video that was Anthony's idea

He gay. M.

Popeye Jesus is amazing. Fuck M.

Holy fuck the "Chris Kuhn" "eating grapes" comment. Jesus Christ you assholes make me laugh.

Ant's most terrible and unbelievable impression is also the one he tries to do all the time: "white guy"

On the contrary, he does "nigger" perfectly

He's not critiquing the impressions, he's writing executive producer notes for his show.

This guy dick slaps Keith without even knowing it and puts the Lottery Ticket winner wop in his place.

This guy is going to have me, a virulent racist, marching with BLM before the end of the month.

Well, then he's a big black meany. Nancy? Are you there mummy.

this was after Ant got lost, before that his impressions were good

The only time he ever used the green screen properly/had a good impression, was the Disis bit. And even that is just another way to do his dice impression. Either way, it was good. Allah-ak-bar & grill got me good

This guy is grasping at straws, now. Next he'll say that Angry Vince was not his cup of tea. Then, of course, the lemmings will all comment "Totally nailed it. Angry Vince was so cringey, I would be totally uncomfortable and cringe when I heard it. It was so cringeworthy"

Come on Malcolm, you're starting to lose the crowd here. That asian video may not be great, but the main can do impressions! Ohhh!

Say what you want about Ant, but his Jesse Ventura impression kills me every time.

"THERMITE PAINT" is going to be pulling their sponsorship.

Oh right. I just saw that pick from Chinese New Year where he was Chinese but still used the same fuck accent

Only Anthony would have a Japanese character (Yoshi) delivering Chinese Food

These doll's eyes are a very difficult situation here, Hendry