He's just bragging now @ 14:55

1  2018-02-04 by Ant_Sucks


This is fucked up. I feel like they're all evil and actually into that shit and it really isn't a joke. This is reality.

Ants there laughing it up about child porn, but I Anthony was all in on that Russian psy-op pizzagate and screaming about Hilary, but meanwhile Ant, Jim and friends, enables, ball-washers, [i]former cops[/i/] run a compound where all manner of debauchery takes place. The daughter of somebody at Fox News was defiled there along with another's getting beat on and bit.

Ant abused two daughters of people he knew and worked with, yet he's the new weekend host for Info Wars?!!

The child hurting conspiracy runs deep and those monsters really are just bragging now!