OJ Simpson could know who Ant is soon.

7  2018-02-04 by CONCHOPETEghostcock

M could mention it as a funny aside then mention us and we will have been responsible for making OJ chuckle.

Butterfly Effect


Or pigeon effect, now you go

Ant being destroyed in this whole thing might be a nice bow wrap on the OA universe. From here on out we can forget about Opie since he’s just a civilian, that’s his ultimate punishment. Jim can continue failing at joining the mainstream liberal Hollywood elites, just to have him worm back to us (but we’ll be gone). And we’ll have Gomez, Mullen, and Dillon to enjoy. Guys I’m really starting to like this new year

Hopefully dave smith and ray kump will have to team up

Where will dave smith be during all of this

OJ might be looking for some new gloves right now

OJ be like "I'll kill that nigga"