What infuriates you the most on O&A?

28  2018-02-04 by CounterproductiveQin

For me it is eating while on air. Fucking animals. Why would you not notice that it is fucking irritating and disgusting? Combining their radio careers they have 50+ years experience and still not notice how irritating it is.

A close second would be the overuse of sound bits. Countless times moments gets ruined by probably Opie by overplaying sound bit that don't fit what was happening.


callers; they are all equally desperate & lonely and never add anything


Chuck from North Carolina, you're on the phone!...

Pat from Moonachie added A TON! Nyuk nyuk nyuk

most of his calls were shit & shoehorned in thanks to opie, the best Pat did was in studio w patrice

Opie is so bad that pat is bad by association

It's how you involve people into the show and makes them fans of the show because they think they are contributing to it.

How about the fact Opie and Anthony (mostly Opie) can’t put their shit aside and be men, work shit out and make great shows again. The fan base among comics, fans, and haters is sadly wasted because of a few hurt feelings and in a time when everyone is over sensitive and good REAL content is hard to come across.

I was more talking about things they do/say on the show. To comment on what you said, I think we already heard the best of O&A and if you brought them back together for a show it would suck. O&A died with Patrice sadly.

You may be right. But if these guys weren’t pussies, we would get a chance to find out. I do think there is a sad lack of quality inn podcasts and radio, Opie, Anthony and Jim - Or more likely Anthony and Jim with someone who keeps them on track, could come back and beat the majority of options out there. These dumb cunt haven’t figured out they were much better together, and that none of their issues should prevent them from working together. They all behave like teenage girls who hold grudges for an absolutely no fucking reason

Even if it sucked, it would be better than 90% of the shit out there. A boring day with O&A would still at least have a few funny Anthony moments and decent comedians from time to time. I can't find a decent fucking podcast to listen to anywhere.

quality inn podcasts? How 'bout a Howard Johnson podcast??

Jim norton

Danny Ross, Roland and Sam's hair and legs.

Hold on now, you're being unfair. Sam's face and torso are also terrible, and so are his spindly arms and nasal voice.

Anytime they had pornstars on. Always boring crap. unless they did a stunt with Bobo or something like that.

Ugh, I hated it.

Also, while Bobo and maybe Lady Di would say something that made me laugh sometimes, I hate all the freak show shit too. Anything from the Shock Jock era. The freaks, shit like the Lesbian Couch and 50 whatever the fuck drum challenge. Fuck off. Just talk. That's why Opie was so out of place later into the show. He's wasn't good at talking.

We're gonna have the interns eat BALLS today! Ha Ha Ha Ha

Opie was always the one pushing for the gayest stunts

It was the ingratitude they had for their fans and lack of professionalism. When they started dicking around on their smart phones and doing no prep for the show, it became painfully obvious that the show was lost. All they had to do was pay attention and concentrate for 3 hours in the morning, but are such prim donna baby girls they couldn't keep their faggoty phones in their deep pockets. Note how Rogan doesn't allow guests to fuck around with their phones on a 2-3 hour long podcast without any breaks. These fucking idiots were so self-absorbed and addicted to their gadgets like teeny boppers cunts, that they couldn't even make it to one of their many and very long breaks w/o hammering away on their devices. Absolutely pathetic. Nothing more disgusting than middle-aged people mimicking the behavior of young people while disregarding social graces.

And you'd know social graces, right, WhippingHuskies?

Somewhat. I'm a bit of an oddball, but I know how to handle myself accordingly in public.

Note how Rogan doesn't allow guests to fuck around with their phones on a 2-3 hour long podcast without any breaks

It's fun to make fun of ol' short stuff Rogan, but the way he glared at Jim on his phone made me respect him again.

I agree 100% it is obnoxious & unprofessional for anybody to be playing on smartphones while trying to put on a show. But you seem to have a general problem him gadgets even when it’s not pertaining to on-air use, like why are smart phones “faggoty” & people who use them a lot “teeny bopper cunts”? So middle aged people shouldn’t use modern technology, I don’t understand the beef. So if I’m on the train looking on my iPad or iPhone, am I a 34 year man mimicking the behavior of a teenager?

no middle aged men playing on their phones like bored 14 year old girls at thanksgiving, especially while they're supposed to be conducting business entertaining an audience for a mere 2 hours a day 4/5 x a week and being paid handsomely for it, isn't the behavior that exactly ingratiates fans to someone. Adults shouldn't be glued to their phones, at least ones who actually work, all day. Plus if your on your iPad on the subway, you should be robbed by a pack of third world savages by default. Read a book, or look ahead with your eyes closed or scope out the teenage Latina and Asian girls in their sexy uniforms. What are you 5?

You say odd shit man. I said agreed with you about putting down phones & giving full concentration when putting on a show but why the strong feelings on adults & smart phones? What if I’m reading a book on an iPad is that ok or does it have to be paperback. As far as getting my shit took on the train by “savages” it ain’t gonna happen because there’s a weird unspoken understanding when you actually are from the city that I can’t explain. Even though I’m a white guy I never get fucked with because it’s like they know I ain’t afraid & that was raised in Brooklyn so maybe I hold myself different than some helpless hipster, I even occasionally get the silent (what’s up) head nod from the blacks & Hispanics that the transplant from Ohio would never get. Btw you are aware that Reddit is considered social media & youkre on it…what are you 5?

718 represent nigga! I don't care whether adults use smart phones. I'm on one right now laying in bed trying to sleep. But when you're supposed to work, especially the very light work of talking into a mic for 2 hours and bullshitting with friends in an almost bullet proof job, you should have the common decency and foresight and respect to your audience to put down a fucking phone for half hour and just talk and do the job. Now throw in the fact that Anthony quite literally threw away his career and destroyed his personal life b/c of his phone addiction and we're talking about the behavior of teenage girls without an iota os sense of responsibility.


That's so easy. When Anthony and Norton would be talking about something, and Opie would go to a useless phone call. Right there he put the brakes on and ruined a bit..... then, there's the always infuriating; Hold On, Hold On, Hold On from Opie. I always felt Norton ruined the O&A show, but, listening to all of the old shows and knowing what Anthony says now about the O&A days, Opie was just an insecure bitch. You can hear the passive aggressive shit all the time. In my case, my ears have opened and finally realize both Ant and Jim really hated Opie.

That's exactly why I am not surprised that Opie is where he is now.

Where is he?

He's doing a bit on Twitter where he pretends he's working in real estate that almost no one believes. Radio gold, Jerry...

Unemployed and walking the streets of NYC by himself. It's uncertain whether he's forced to do so while Lynsi's bull comes over to fuck her or if he just goes out on his own, giving Lynsi and her bull all the time they need. Either way, Opie has been abandoned by everyone hehas worked with over the year. It's sad because he bitches about mental illness but never realizes that he's the only common thread for everyone who hates him.

Any time Opie halts the show because he feels he needs to explain "the bit." Or when Opie is arguing with a caller, he'll keep waiting for the caller to respond to something and Opie keeps interrupting them to say the same thing over and over again. Oh yeah and, "HOLD ON HOLD ON HOLD ON."

Sound bites definitely the number two, completely ruined the relistening value of so many old bits. Like, a crazy amount of them. I went to listen to the Mr. Macgregor spills the paint clip a while ago and it is destroyed when halfway through it they spent 25 minutes making the soundbite rounds.

But number 1 is Opie not being up to speed with the humor level and entertainemtn value as the other guests and hosts of the show.

The amount of time I've wasted listening to it

Bring the Funny!

Their teenage girl narcissistic obsession with Twitter

Ant's twitter obsession with teenage girls.

Whenever Tom Papa was on.

Eating on the air never bothered me; I barely even notice when people do it, honestly.

I generally abhor the term cuck, but no word describes him better

At least back then he wouldn't be talking about sourdough bread constantly

Is he funny on stage?

I can honestly say I don’t think I ever heard him say anything funny.

I don't know, nor what I ever care to. My guess is "most likely not." Probably make the broads and old people at your work laugh modestly, that's about it.

Yep, Joe Derosa wasn’t hilarious, but at least he talked about films and shit, Tom Papa pops up on some podcasts now and again and I just skip the episode.

I loved Derosa until the Anthony thing. That ruined him for me.

Just typical Opie shit and that fucking "haw haw haw! haw haw haw!" Danny laugh.

I despise the eating on mic, too. They all sound like faggots with balls in their mouth when they would talk with their faces full of omlete or soup. Another thing I hate is fake, over-the-top, forced laughter.

Eating and burping into the mics. Also the fact that the three of them had no idea how good they had it. They were all complaining about something

The complaining from Opie about management was also irritating as fuck.

"t-they dont fucking now how good they have it, we deserve better tskk tskk

Especially because it was so fake and done to make him look like a real rebel against the suits when in retrospect he was sucking them off under the table to get shit that he wanted (ex. Moving the show to afternoons)

Complaining about a 4 hour gig that pays you a very good 7 figure salary.

Right before the end of the show they were bitching about how sxm wouldn't pay for their cruise trip or some shit, fucking annoying

I don't wanna steal your thunder here man, but I have an addendum to your statement. The slurping of soups and especially yogurts was especially grotesque. Especially Opie. Despite being the most wholesome of the 3, he also the worst mannered and lacks any mental presence of social protocol. His slurping of yogurt was akin to some FOB chink working on a bowl of ramen at a noodle shop. Pure savagery.

The fact that they're all giant hypocrites.

Everyone mentioned eating on air but what I hated most was ordering food on air and then complaining about wrong orders endlessly, up to calling an intern from another room in to discuss it.

I never understood why they always had to eat. You work 3-4 hours a day you can forego the fucking eggs until the shows over.

It's not just O&A. If a show is or has gone to shit, it's because of one or more of the following reasons; laziness, entitlement, unawareness/ignorance of the topic at hand/general stupidity, and an unwillingness to honestly address controversial topics/stories that hit too close to home.

Unsurprisingly, Tits has all of these in spades.

eating/ordering food on the air, not doing the right kind of prep (tss), incredibly lame "bits" (ketchup challenge)/drearily pointless discussions (flu talk, "the Sky Flyers Club area in the Albuquerque airport is the absolute worst!"), all stem from these things.

That's why The Bonfire is the best show going, despite Oinkerson and his nasty, awful gf; Dan and Jay do their homework, they've got a good sense of what will be good to riff on, and they bring a genuine energy and enthusiasm to the proceedings.

Dan and Jay aren’t always great, but they have fun doing it, it makes it a lot easier to enjoy the show. It’s the one show i make sure I listen to

Ironically enough, if they had someone to "steer the ship" (not Opie), I think it would be good for the show.


and also


Pontificating Norton.

People on its subreddit with shit grammar.

on O&A

makes me instantly wish your grandmother would die with her dead cunt in your mouth. Or something similar.

i feel same way with shitty posts about something they thought funny and sitting on for like ten years

My grandmother died four days ago nigger. The thought of her head being someplace, only 2. A bit late I know.

Jimmy fighting with callers in his smarmy attitude “Ok, you talk it’s not like I am in a radio show.”

Goofing on the interns was fun to hear but the bullying that asshole Sam was doing went above and beyond annoying. He liked using his position of authority to make some of those interns lives hell. But it was a well placed kick to the nuts of Blind Stevie by Tefft that put the hazing away.

When they got into the smoothies and talk about them incessantly.

Any time they talked tech around Jimmy. Ugh. It’s like trying to explain why the sky is blue to a 4 year old.

Sodoku Opie

That time Henry Rollins called in and said he didn't want to do stand up comedy and Jim got all offended. And then Jim felt he had to prove that he was familiar with Richard Prior and Dice

Yeah but the reason was that Rollins was coming off as an arrogant/know-it-all about comedy and Richard Pryor albums and he got the name of one of them wrong. Listen back, Henry Rlins needed to be put in his place.

Henry Rollins was being abrasive, but that's also kinda just what he does.


I'd have been fine with Jimmy getting into an argument with him, but spouting off a bunch of Richard Prior facts, without even addressing directly that he was putting Rollins in his place was such a bizzare, irritating way for Jim to respond to that situation.

You aren't very familiar with Rollins are you?

The lack of prep & them annoyingly wearing the lack of prep like a badge of honor. They thought it was cute & funny to show up 5 minutes before the show with no preparation. I think if they actually spent time & cared enough to try to make the best show possible & constantly innovate & come up with new funny bits then they might still have a successful show today. They could’ve even hired more people to help run the show, have meetings, email each other ideas throughout the day instead of putting in the 3 hours & calling it a day I believe their show could’ve gotten even better than it was their prime & I turn gained an even larger audience. But the lazy fucks rested on their reputation & past greatness like a shitty rock band that had 2 good albums then followed 12 shitty ones because they’ve become complacent.

Opie's not-deadness

Norton.When he was gone on the road or filming that dogshit show lucky Louie,the show was so much better.

Marion's voice, jimmy when hes being especially self righteous or complaining about the lineral media, anthony whenever he says lifeless eyes like a dolls eyes for the twenty thousandth time, opie when he goes for excessive rudeness or cruelty to get laughs instead of humor

I hate it when Opies a dick to the guests then bitches that they never get anyone on. Guy who created Craigslist is a good example of this.

Where is he?

I loved Derosa until the Anthony thing. That ruined him for me.