OJ Simpson is 14 years older than Ant but looks a solid 20+ years younger.

45  2018-02-04 by TinKnockinMoroccan

And that's without plastic surgery or hair plugs/dye. It's understandable why Ant has such a personal issue with the man.


OJ lived a stress free life until that no good crumb bum of a wife tried to test him.

Ron Goldman was just a meddlin' ass nigga... Tryin to stir shit up! He got his just desserts if you ask me!

Are we the dindus now?

That's because black don't crack

They do love to smoke it though.

But Ant is black.

Moor or less.

Semi Moore.

Oj made ant rich , he should find him and blow him

Black don’t crack.

Blacks do crack

they say murdering is good for the skin

OJ's brain tissue is rump roast from playing football, but you can't have it all I guess.

Hes a negro

OJ was a professional athlete. Were as 🐜h a professional drinker. Which I was told is NOT an addiction.

Nigger don’t wither

This is because for most of his life, OJ Simpson kept himself in shape. He had to exercise constantly in order to keep his gig in the NFL, meaning that as he ages he will look younger than he is because he kept himself healthy.

Anthony, on the other hand, admitted he never passed gym in high school, and I'd be surprised if he could even bench 100 pounds. He drinks constantly, which ages him rapidly the way it did to Lady Di. On top of that, he keeps terrible sleep habits. Is it any surprise he looks awful?