You don't want to mess with these guys

18  2018-02-04 by [deleted]



Tats ... noted

Gotta show off those guns and sleeves are for queers

The SS lightning bolts are a great touch.

Now I want to see nothing but pictures from parties at the Compound with all kinds of Nazi regalia on the walls, Hitler portraits...someone make this happen

Can someone pass this on to our lawyer ...more ammo for our lawsuit, we are scared these men mean business

Very nice

The smell alone could knock out a grown man.

Add the weight of these warriors. Divide that by their total age.Should be ZERO POINT ZERO.

Not to be a college educated mathematician in a sub full of HS dropout truck drivers and plumbers but you can’t divide two real numbers and get 0.0. Your joke would make more mathematical sense if the punchline was “one point zero”.

Nazi nite at N.A.M.B.L.A.

There’s an empty space next to hitler that could use some decoration.

A portrait of Mother Mary for contrast-- maybe to guinea it up a bit?

Does that faggots shirt really show a stick figure fucking "it" and I'm all in?