The wind beneath our wings

104  2018-02-03 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK



He's Cosby Show black.

He's Republican Black.

We need a few sidebars for this man.

Can we get Malcom on the sidebar


Once someone does a proper photoshop of him as Lex Luthor, I will cast in my vote. I grew up with black Luthor, there has to be others..

Nigga look like Turk from Scrubs.

I'd like to submit my entry

Cool motherfucker.

In all seriousness, I'm impressed by anyone who can finish a marathon. I ran a half marathon once. It was a killer.

Boston's marathon is lethal


You have to be a faggot to get killed by something that cooks beef stew 30 mins quicker.

what was your time, i had a 1h 54m 39s last Aug.

Over 2 hours. Maybe 2.10 Got hurt 2/3rd in. Finished on will. I was hungover when I ran and I had had two glasses of wine 2 hours before I started it. I have no clue why I did that. But I regret it. Would have done well sub 2 hours

I won the world marathon and i wasn't even trying and i won it in a hour

Wow you suck. I really do hope you kill yourself

nice tits

He looks like a bad guy from Dragon Ball Z

They all look like mr popo

mah man

Look out Opie new tittyboy I'm town.

Those are called pecs, sir.

this dude would call out every one of you retards if you gave him a reason t

Dang dude.

Wrap this shit up. You told them.

You aren't white.


Dang dude.

Wrap this shit up. You told them.



You might be right but he's making Anthony look like a little bitch which is entertaining. Nothing more to it than that.

And he would be right. What has my life become?

♫ (that NIN song) ♫

That brave lesbian

Megamind lookin ass nigga

Only Fags run marathons. Only athletic event where just finishing is a big deal. How about winning?

He's Republican Black.

We need a few sidebars for this man.