I like how Malcolm signs his tweets

35  2018-02-03 by yeahheymate

Very lawyer-like and official sounding.Y.


Yeah that shits not gay at all. R.

It’s straight from the source -AB


It’s very Judi Dench of him, as if he fancies himself the boss of James Bond. But, honestly, is it much different than Opie’s ME he used to use?

I'm also a big fan. 8

Yes, I feel a kinship. OJ

I didn't know coloreds had law firms. AC.

Me: I like my way better.


Eh, Malcolm is kind of a dorky name though.

Love, Eggbert

It's an alpha move. It says I'm a distinguished gentleman with class. He probably has 'M' stitched onto his bath towels. The guy's a bad ass motherfucker.

I agree. Pecker.

me: nice try, haters! G.

Agreed. 8==D

People that sign things like forum posts/facebook posts/tweets etc (aka not e-mails and letters) have autism

Somehow it's endearing when it's big M

Where the white women at? N.

I'm also loving it. F.

Y not. AH.