REMINDER: Opie is STILL a faggot.

13  2018-02-03 by Every1ShouldBKilled


Our autism has shifted, but we know opie is a cunt he is not forgotten.

didn't Anthony get in trouble for this type of shit?

No, he got in trouble for racist tirades that ruined what was, at one point, the best radio show on the air. But, no worries. They ended up blaming Opie so it’s OK

He tries to excuse his annoying presence at the end by having the girl behind the counter confirm she doesn't hate him because he comes in all the time. Imagine Opie coming to your Panera Bread and acting like this while you work...

The Greggster is an emotional terrorist. Armed with broadcasting equipment and his fake chuckles, he masquerades his wearisome insecurities and bullys people into signing a verbal contracts of acceptance.

It doesn't matter if the response is a forced polite white lie or if he even believes it's true. What matters is he's left with a bichromatic senario where either everyone likes and respects him or they were too much of a pussy to say otherwise when he confronted them.

That’s a long and weird way to say “he’s not funny.”

I think you missed my point.

"Hey can you go out to the register please? That homeless guy is in here with that cell phone he found again"

As ghoulish and awful 🐜 is, Opie is the worst

His preferred pronunciation is 🐜h.

You cant do that ant symbol without being on an iOS device, right?

Dunno. I'm on me pc, just copy and paste it with a yo-ho-ho.

No I'm on Android🐜. Scroll through the emo button (animals) on your keyboard.

I do wish Opie's self-destructive streak was as volatile as 🐜 .

Honestly, I just can’t bring myself to even beat him up anymore. He just… stinks. In all ways, in all things, he is unremarkable and stinks. There’s just nothing there anymore, not even anything to make fun of, he’s just become completely irrelevant. Bye, Opie.

Don't be like that. I made this for you And that's just what he looks like, imagine the shit that comes out of his dumb silly mouth!

Snap out of it, I believe in you.


I’ll agree.

That’s a long and weird way to say “he’s not funny.”

I think you missed my point.