The actions of Sir Malcolm of Lavergne have made me realise O.J. did nothing wrong.

106  2018-02-03 by McGowan9

Schinkle about it. Why would such an upstanding gentleman represent a guilty man? Short answer, he wouldn't.

Nicole Simpson insulted O.J's masculinity by carrying on like a harlot. On top of her scandalous behaviour, she was milking him financially; living the high life off his money. Money hard-earned through his athleticism and easy going charisma as an entertainer. In return, she got the old Sweeney Todd treatment. A fair trade some would say.

The Goldman kid - unfortunate. But you fool around with the Juice's pussy at your peril. As for the Vegas business, Mr Simpson was merely trying to retrieve his rightful property.

He dint do nuffin wrong.


Ron Goldman got in a karate stance when he saw OJ and Nicole having their minor scuffle. OJ was simply defending himself from the martial arts expert.

An excellent point.


OJ was standing his ground. Please, someone call into Ant's show and tell him that OJ was just standing his ground.

That Cato fellow looked suspicious

Didn't you watch the miniseries starring Cuba Gooding? Cato was just a simple fellow with a love of hamburgers.

That wasn’t ketchup on his hands, friend

Relish, perhaps?

That wasn’t ketchup on his hands

Exactly, what was he, five?!

He killed his ex-wife and a Jew. Who among us wouldn't have done the same?

Dear god, he's the black Mel

Mel just talks the talk. OJ walks the walk...

Mel sounded pretty close to walking the walk a couple of times there though.

Studio gangster

He didn't know those phone calls were being recorded though... that anger was real.

Word em up

It's murderer, whiteboy.

he killed a coalburner and a Jew

He deserves an award

When u build a system so slanted to one side, women, u r bound to have some take matters into their own hands.

She took his house and fucked some boy toy in his bed. She, like all women, are parasites and nest in your space.

Oj was so filled with rage, hurt and humiliated. I have sympathy for the guy. Unable to control his emotions he killed them in a fit of rage.

*dindu, you idiot

Sorry, I'm not conversant in ebonics.

He just confused her and Ron for a juicy steak. The man should be forgiven.

He kind of was. He was found innocent.

Killed a mudshark and a jew, did the lords work in many ways.

Orenthal Justified Simpson.

Ive been on the fence about the jew guy, but now that you mention it, if you fuckthis guy(on the right's wife, dont act like you dont know what you got yourself into

All I will say is this, O.J. had his day in court and through some eventful circumstances he was found not guilty of the murders by a jury.

Nobody fucks with the juice mans pussy

They can but the result is "If I Did It."

Nicole was a coal burner, good riddance.

I'm white but I have a big(ish) penis, so I don't care if some white woman I don't know wants to fuck a brother. Don't have that particular hang-up/insecurity.

And if the whole trial proved anything it's that America isn't a racist society if you're rich. Black multi-millionaire killed a white woman and a Jewish guy. Got acquitted. Money talks, negro walks.

I’m actually watching O.J.: Made in America now.

Of course not, it was the columbian mafia who did it. Connect the dots, tons of cocaine-users and dealers were dropping like flies with colombian neckties around the same time.

No, no, it was OJ who did it. But he had his reasons.

I doubt it though, way too many in and around Goldman's circle were dropping like flies at the time for me to figure they are just coincidences.

Strong theory, dude - some waiter, wannabe actor had some friends who died of coke ODs. Enter Pablo Escobar and the Cali cartel to keep things hush hush.


Murder of Michael Nigg

Michael Nigg (April 28, 1969 – September 8, 1995) was an aspiring actor who worked as a waiter at a Beverly Hills restaurant. He was shot and killed during an apparent robbery attempt in Hollywood. The Los Angeles Police Department later arrested three suspects but soon released them for lack of evidence. No other suspects have ever been identified, and the killing remains unsolved.

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Was Michael a black man by chance?

Tsssskkk Michael Nigg? What is he from Nigeria or sumtjn

Thermite Cocaine

Yo dumb ass never realized how to spell realize, nigga