Anthony went out for a nice dinner and the first thing he thinks about is the alpha who destroyed him on Twitter. Fag.

38  2018-02-03 by Porkclerk82


He looks dressed for a nice diner with his Armani flannel

Don't worry he accentuated it with a video game t shirt. Classy 60 year old.

I'm surprised it's not Joe's going to court Army shirt to show he means business.

The Guido Tuxedo

Maitre D "Sorry, we've got enough dish washers at the moment. You can apply next month."

Anthony "No, see, I've got a reservation. Cumia, party of 2."

Maitre D "Certainly Sir. I'll show you and your daughter to your table."

Anthony "Let's go Sue, our table is this way."

He even wears his "shirt on a shirt" style to a nice dinner. What a tremendous Wanker!

I thought we took care of the British problem on this board.

I'm actually Estonian and just like the word. Especially in this context! Oh and Fuck all Brits!

Estonion tssszk... What are high and online or sumtin?

Fawwwkkk Yeah!!!!!! Better than bein' Esrockian or sumtin'??? I dunno I'm just riffin'!!!!!!!

Fawk thats good


And then Tony Soprano comes over and makes him button his shirt.

They dont sell hot dogs here

They took the bleachers out last year.

yeah make him a dinner he cant refuse or sumphin

The fact that he had someone take the photo means he shared his "brilliant" slam to someone else. They probably giggled together like the 12 year old girl he is before posting it.

I'm surprised Missy is smart enough to use a camera

No the 12 year old girl was the one who took the picture. Her parents think she's at Tiffany's house.

"Hey jerkstore, the guy you successfully defended in court was actually guilty."

oooooo get em tony
