Putting Anthony away before he's even had breakfast ... this guys a fuckin ledge

53  2018-02-03 by yakovsdinnertrays


Get your smarmy UK lingo out of here.

Duuuude, you’re all smarmy.

He is being polite but still calling him a pissant

That HVAC repairman probably doesn't even know the meaning of the word

What’s a “ledge” in this context?

He's a high enough platform for Ant to jump off of and die.

You kids nowadays and your crazy metaphors.

I just assumed it was Australian for Legend

The tranth basement 5 is out early this morning down voting

He forgot the H but I'll forgive him.

This guy is Chipping Ant now..his destruction of Ant has been beautiful to watch

Anthony is legitimately being bullied. This is hilarious

By a black guy as well. The childhood issues this must envoke

I want this guy to tweet at him saying, "gimme 50 cent"

Fawkin buried dis cocksucka!!!

The Cumia pissants trying to defend him are failing miserably..looks like there are going to be a lot of empty seats at that poker table ...Fred where were you ? I needed you that day ...

Goddamn i hope this good man knows that what's ostensibly supposed to be a fan subreddit is cheering him fanny-hammering old man cum-face

E gets it

E's loffin


Imagine being such a retarded wop you get the bright idea to beef with a guy who is paid to wordsmith for criminals to gain freedom.

The Vernge officially whiter than Cumio